rucksack library

A collection of helper functions and utilities aimed to make code easier to read.


cast<T>(dynamic x) → T?
Casts x to the specified type T if it is an instance of T. Null if x is not an instance of T
isBlank(String? v) bool
True if the provided String value v is null or blank (whitespace only)
isEmpty(Iterable? ittr) bool
True if the provided ittr Iterable is null or Iterable.isEmpty
isFalse(bool? value) bool
True if the boolean value is false
isNotBlank(String? v) bool
True if the provided String value v is not null and is not blank (whitespaces)
isNotEmpty(Iterable? ittr) bool
True if the provided ittr Iterable is not null and is Iterable.isNotEmpty
isNotNull(dynamic value) bool
True if the dynamic value is not null
isNull(dynamic value) bool
True if the dynamic value is null
isTrue(bool? value) bool
True if the boolean value is true