TUIRoomEngine class abstract





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addCategoryTagForUsers(int tag, List<String> userList) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.4 Add a tag for the user (only the room owner can call it)
addObserver(TUIRoomObserver observer) → void
1.6 Set Event Callback
applyToAdminToOpenLocalDevice(TUIMediaDevice device, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
8.4 Request to Open Local Media Device (Available for regular users)
cancelRequest(String requestId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
11.1 Cancel Request
changeUserNameCard(String userId, String nameCard) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.2 Change user nickname in the room (only support to change all user for administrators or room owner, user can only change by self). userId User ID to change. nameCard User nickname to set, maximum support is 32 bytes
changeUserRole(String userId, TUIRole role) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7.1 Modify User Role
closeLocalCamera() → void
3.3 Close Local Camera
closeLocalMicrophone() → void
4.2 Close Local Microphone
closeRemoteDeviceByAdmin(String userId, TUIMediaDevice device) Future<TUIActionCallback>
8.3 Close Remote User's Media Device
connectOtherRoom(String roomId, String userId, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
2.5 Connect to Another Room
createRoom(TUIRoomInfo roomInfo) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2.1 Create Room
destroyRoom() Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.2 Dissolve Room
disableDeviceForAllUserByAdmin(TUIMediaDevice device, bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8.1 Room-wide Media Device Management
disableSendingMessageByAdmin(String userId, bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.1 Disable Remote User's Text Message Sending Capability (Accessible only by administrators or group owners)
disableSendingMessageForAllUser(bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.2 Disable Text Message Sending Capability for All Users (Accessible only by administrators or group owners)
disconnectOtherRoom() Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.6 Disconnect from Another Room
enableGravitySensor(bool enable) → void
3.7 enable gravity sensing mode
enterRoom(String roomId, {TUIRoomType roomType = TUIRoomType.conference, TUIEnterRoomOptions? options}) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIRoomInfo>>
2.3 Enter Room
exitRoom(bool syncWaiting) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.4 Leave Room
fetchRoomInfo() Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIRoomInfo>>
2.7 Get Room Information
getExtension(TUIExtensionType extensionType) → dynamic
12.4 Get Extension
getMediaDeviceManager() TUIRoomDeviceManager
12.5 Get media device manager
getSeatApplicationList() Future<TUIValueCallBack<List<TUIRequest>>>
9.3 Get the request list of users in the room who applied for take seat
getSeatList() Future<TUIValueCallBack<List<TUISeatInfo>>>
9.2 Get Seat List with a callback to notify the success or failure of the interface call. The successful callback will include a list of TUISeatInfo information.
getUserInfo(String userId) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserInfo>>
6.2 Get Member Information
getUserList(int nextSequence) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserListResult>>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6.1 Get Member List in the Room
getUserListByTag(int tag, int nextSequence) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserListResult>>
7.6 Get user information in the room based on tags
kickRemoteUserOutOfRoom(String userId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.3 Kick Remote User from the Room (Accessible only by administrators or room owner)
kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, String userId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.9 The host/administrator removes the user from the seat. The callback is used to notify the success or failure of the API call.
leaveSeat() Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.6 Take off the local seat. The callback is used to notify the success or failure of the API call.
lockSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, TUISeatLockParams lockParams) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.4 Lock Seat
moveToSeat(int targetSeatIndex) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.7 Move to other seat.
muteLocalAudio() Future<TUIActionCallback>
4.4 Mute Local Audio
muteRemoteAudioStream(String userId, bool isMute) → void
5.4 Mute Remote User's Audio
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openLocalCamera(bool isFront, TUIVideoQuality quality) Future<TUIActionCallback>
3.2 Open Local Camera
openLocalMicrophone(TUIAudioQuality quality) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4.1 Open Local Microphone
openRemoteDeviceByAdmin(String userId, TUIMediaDevice device, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
8.2 Request Remote User to Open Media Device
removeCategoryTagForUsers(int tag, List<String> userList) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.5 Remove tag for user (only the room owner can call it)
removeObserver(TUIRoomObserver observer) → void
1.7 Remove Event Callback
responseRemoteRequest(String requestId, bool agree) Future<TUIActionCallback>
11.2 Respond to Request
sendCustomMessage(String message) Future<TUIActionCallback>
Send Custom Message
sendTextMessage(String message) Future<TUIActionCallback>
Send Text Message
setBeautyLevel(int beautyStyle, int beautyLevel) → void
12.2 Set beauty level
setCustomInfoForUser(String userId, Map<String, String> customInfo) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.7 Set custom info for user in the room
setLocalVideoView(int viewId) → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3.1 Set the View Control for Local User Video Rendering
setMaxSeatCount(int maxSeatCount) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.1 Set Maximum Number of Seats with a callback to notify the success or failure of the interface call
setRemoteVideoView(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType, int viewId) → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.1 Set the View Control for Remote User Video Rendering
setVideoResolutionMode(TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIResolutionMode resolutionMode) → void
3.6 Set video encoder resolution mode (horizontal screen resolution or vertical screen resolution)
setWhitenessLevel(int whitenessLevel) → void
12.3 Set whitening level
startPlayRemoteVideo(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIPlayCallback? playCallback) → void
5.2 Start Playing Remote User Video
startPushLocalAudio() → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start Pushing Local Audio
startPushLocalVideo() → void
3.8 Start Pushing Local Video. Enabled by default.
startScreenSharing({String appGroup = ''}) Future<void>
3.10 Start screen sharing
stopPlayRemoteVideo(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType) → void
5.3 Stop Playing Remote User Video
stopPushLocalAudio() → void
Stop Pushing Local Audio
stopPushLocalVideo() → void
3.9 Stop Pushing Local Video
stopScreenSharing() Future<void>
3.11 Stop screen sharing
switchCamera(bool isFrontCamera) Future<int?>
Switch front or rear camera
takeSeat(int seatIndex, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
9.5 The user takes a seat locally
takeUserOnSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, String userId, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
9.8 The host/administrator invites a user to take a seat.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unMuteLocalAudio() Future<TUIActionCallback>
4.5 UnMute Local Audio
updateAudioQuality(TUIAudioQuality quality) → void
4.3 Update Local Audio Encoding Quality Settings
updateRoomNameByAdmin(String roomName) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.8 Update Room Information
updateRoomPasswordByAdmin(String password) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.10 Update Room password
updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin(TUISeatMode seatMode) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.9 Update Room Seat Mode
updateVideoQuality(TUIVideoQuality quality) → void
3.4 Update Local Video Encoding Quality Settings
updateVideoQualityEx(TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIRoomVideoEncoderParams params) → void
3.5 Set the encoding parameters of the video encoder


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

callExperimentalAPI(String jsonStr) → void
12.1 Call experimental interface
destroySharedInstance() → void
Destroy TUIRoomEngine destroySharedInstance
getSelfInfo() TUILoginUserInfo
1.5 Get Local User Basic Information
login(int sdkAppId, String userId, String userSig) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.1 Login Interface - You need to initialize user information before entering the room and performing a series of operations.
logout() Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.2 Logout Interface - It includes actively leaving the room and destroying resources.
setLoginUserInfo(TUILoginUserInfo userInfo) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.4 Set Loaded User's User Information
setSelfInfo(String userName, String avatarURL) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.3 Set Local User Name and Avatar
sharedInstance() TUIRoomEngine
Creating TUIRoomEngine sharedInstance