TUIRoomEngine class abstract





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addCategoryTagForUsers(int tag, List<String> userList) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.3 Add a tag for the user (only the room owner can call it)
addObserver(TUIRoomObserver observer) → void
1.6 Set Event Callback
applyToAdminToOpenLocalDevice(TUIMediaDevice device, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
8.4 Request to Open Local Media Device (Available for regular users)
callExperimentalAPI(String jsonStr) → void
12.1 Call experimental interface
cancelRequest(String requestId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
11.1 Cancel Request
changeUserRole(String userId, TUIRole role) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7.1 Modify User Role
closeLocalCamera() → void
3.3 Close Local Camera
closeLocalMicrophone() → void
4.2 Close Local Microphone
closeRemoteDeviceByAdmin(String userId, TUIMediaDevice device) Future<TUIActionCallback>
8.3 Close Remote User's Media Device
connectOtherRoom(String roomId, String userId, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
2.5 Connect to Another Room
createRoom(TUIRoomInfo roomInfo) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2.1 Create Room
destroyInstance() → void
Destroy TUIRoomEngine Instance
destroyRoom() Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.2 Dissolve Room
disableDeviceForAllUserByAdmin(TUIMediaDevice device, bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8.1 Room-wide Media Device Management
disableSendingMessageByAdmin(String userId, bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.3 Disable Remote User's Text Message Sending Capability (Accessible only by administrators or group owners)
disableSendingMessageForAllUser(bool isDisable) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.4 Disable Text Message Sending Capability for All Users (Accessible only by administrators or group owners)
disconnectOtherRoom() Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.6 Disconnect from Another Room
enableGravitySensor(bool enable) → void
3.7 enable gravity sensing mode
enterRoom(String roomId) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIRoomInfo>>
2.3 Enter Room
exitRoom(bool syncWaiting) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.4 Leave Room
fetchRoomInfo() Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIRoomInfo>>
2.7 Get Room Information
getSeatList() Future<TUIValueCallBack<List<TUISeatInfo>>>
9.2 Get Seat List with a callback to notify the success or failure of the interface call. The successful callback will include a list of TUISeatInfo information.
getUserInfo(String userId) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserInfo>>
6.2 Get Member Information
getUserList(int nextSequence) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserListResult>>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6.1 Get Member List in the Room
getUserListByTag(int tag, int nextSequence) Future<TUIValueCallBack<TUIUserListResult>>
7.5 Get user information in the room based on tags
kickRemoteUserOutOfRoom(String userId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.2 Kick Remote User from the Room (Accessible only by administrators or room owner)
kickUserOffSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, String userId) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.7 The host/administrator removes the user from the seat. The callback is used to notify the success or failure of the API call.
leaveSeat() Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.5 Take off the local seat. The callback is used to notify the success or failure of the API call.
lockSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, TUISeatLockParams lockParams) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.3 Lock Seat
muteLocalAudio() Future<TUIActionCallback>
4.4 Mute Local Audio
muteRemoteAudioStream(String userId, bool isMute) → void
5.4 Mute Remote User's Audio
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openLocalCamera(bool isFront, TUIVideoQuality quality) Future<TUIActionCallback>
3.2 Open Local Camera
openLocalMicrophone(TUIAudioQuality quality) Future<TUIActionCallback>
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4.1 Open Local Microphone
openRemoteDeviceByAdmin(String userId, TUIMediaDevice device, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
8.2 Request Remote User to Open Media Device
removeCategoryTagForUsers(int tag, List<String> userList) Future<TUIActionCallback>
7.4 Remove tag for user (only the room owner can call it)
removeObserver(TUIRoomObserver observer) → void
1.7 Remove Event Callback
responseRemoteRequest(String requestId, bool agree) Future<TUIActionCallback>
11.2 Respond to Request
sendCustomMessage(String message) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.2 Send Custom Message
sendTextMessage(String message) Future<TUIActionCallback>
10.1 Send Text Message
setBeautyLevel(int beautyStyle, int beautyLevel) → void
12.3 Set beauty level
setLocalVideoView(int viewId) → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3.1 Set the View Control for Local User Video Rendering
setMaxSeatCount(int maxSeatCount) Future<TUIActionCallback>
9.1 Set Maximum Number of Seats with a callback to notify the success or failure of the interface call
setRemoteVideoView(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType, int viewId) → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.1 Set the View Control for Remote User Video Rendering
setVideoResolutionMode(TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIResolutionMode resolutionMode) → void
3.6 Set video encoder resolution mode (horizontal screen resolution or vertical screen resolution)
setWhitenessLevel(int whitenessLevel) → void
12.4 Set whitening level
startPlayRemoteVideo(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIPlayCallback? playCallback) → void
5.2 Start Playing Remote User Video
startPushLocalAudio() → void
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start Pushing Local Audio
startPushLocalVideo() → void
3.8 Start Pushing Local Video. Enabled by default.
startScreenSharing({String appGroup = ''}) Future<void>
3.10 Start screen sharing
stopPlayRemoteVideo(String userId, TUIVideoStreamType streamType) → void
5.3 Stop Playing Remote User Video
stopPushLocalAudio() → void
Stop Pushing Local Audio
stopPushLocalVideo() → void
3.9 Stop Pushing Local Video
stopScreenSharing() Future<void>
3.11 Stop screen sharing
switchCamera(bool isFrontCamera) Future<int?>
12.2 Switch front or rear camera
takeSeat(int seatIndex, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
9.4 The user takes a seat locally
takeUserOnSeatByAdmin(int seatIndex, String userId, int timeout, TUIRequestCallback? requestCallback) TUIRequest
9.6 The host/administrator invites a user to take a seat.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unMuteLocalAudio() Future<TUIActionCallback>
4.5 UnMute Local Audio
updateAudioQuality(TUIAudioQuality quality) → void
4.3 Update Local Audio Encoding Quality Settings
updateRoomNameByAdmin(String roomName) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.8 Update Room Information
updateRoomSpeechModeByAdmin(TUISpeechMode mode) Future<TUIActionCallback>
2.9 Set Room Management Mode (Only accessible by administrators or group owners)
updateVideoQuality(TUIVideoQuality quality) → void
3.4 Update Local Video Encoding Quality Settings
updateVideoQualityEx(TUIVideoStreamType streamType, TUIRoomVideoEncoderParams params) → void
3.5 Set the encoding parameters of the video encoder


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createInstance() TUIRoomEngine
Creating TUIRoomEngine Instance
getSelfInfo() TUILoginUserInfo
1.5 Get Local User Basic Information
login(int sdkAppId, String userId, String userSig) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.1 Login Interface - You need to initialize user information before entering the room and performing a series of operations.
logout() Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.2 Logout Interface - It includes actively leaving the room and destroying resources.
setLoginUserInfo(TUILoginUserInfo userInfo) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.4 Set Loaded User's User Information
setSelfInfo(String userName, String avatarURL) Future<TUIActionCallback>
1.3 Set Local User Name and Avatar