Test class abstract

The top level object for an ROHD-VF test.

The Test contains references to the environment and the device under test (DUT), and also is responsible for kicking off sequences on appropriate sequencers.

Only one Test should be created per simulation run.



Test(String name, {int? randomSeed, Level printLevel = Level.ALL, Level failLevel = Level.SEVERE, Level killLevel = Level.SHOUT})
Constructs a new Test named name.


components UnmodifiableListView<Component>
A List of all children Components.
no setterinherited
failLevel ↔ Level
The minimum level that should cause the test to fail after completing.
getter/setter pair
failureDetected bool
Stores whether a failure has been detected in this test.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
killLevel ↔ Level
The minimum level that should immediately kill the test.
getter/setter pair
logger → Logger
A Logger for messages related to the test or testbench.
name String
A name for this instance of the Component.
parent Component?
The Component which constructed and contains this Component.
printLevel ↔ Level
The minimum Level which should be printed out to stdout.
getter/setter pair
randomSeed int?
If selected at Test construction, this is the seed provided for the random object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


build() → void
Performs additional build-related activities required before run.
check() → void
Performs additional checks at the end of the simulation.
configureLogger() → void
Configures the root logger to provide information about log messages.
fullName() String
A descriptive name including the full hierarchical path of this Component.
hierarchy() List<Component>
Returns a List of Components representing the full hierarchy of this Component, with the top-most parent at index 0 and this as the last element of the List.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
run(Phase phase) Future<void>
Executes this Component's activities related to running the test.
start() Future<void>
Starts the test on the Simulator.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance Test?
The singleton Test for this simulation.
no setter
random Random?
A central static Random object that should be used any time randomization is required in this test.
no setter

Static Methods

reset() Future<void>
Resets static awareness of the Simulator and Test to a safe initial state.