IO<A> class sealed

IO is a datatype that can be used to control side-effects within synchronous and asynchronous code.

Available extensions


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


andWait(Duration duration) IO<A>
Return an IO that will wait the specified duration after evaluating and then return the result.
ap<B>(covariant IO<Function1<A, B>> f) IO<B>
Apply f to the value of this Applicative.
as<B>(B b) IO<B>
Replaces the result of this IO with the given value.
attempt() IO<Either<RuntimeException, A>>
Extracts any exceptions encountered during evaluation into an Either value.
background() Resource<IO<Outcome<A>>>
Creates a new Resource that will start the execution of this fiber and cancel the execution when the Resource is finalized.
bracket<B>(Function1<A, IO<B>> use, Function1<A, IO<Unit>> release) IO<B>
Returns an IO that uses this IO as the resource acquisition, use as the IO action that action that uses the resource, and release as the finalizer that will clean up the resource.
bracketCase<B>(Function1<A, IO<B>> use, Function2<A, Outcome<B>, IO<Unit>> release) IO<B>
Returns an IO that uses this IO as the resource acquisition, use as the IO action that action that uses the resource, and release as the finalizer that will clean up the resource. Both result of this IO and the Outcome of use are provided to release.
cancelable(IO<Unit> fin) IO<A>
debug({String prefix = 'DEBUG'}) IO<A>
Prints the result of this IO (value, error or canceled) to stdout
delayBy(Duration duration) IO<A>
Return an IO that will wait the specified duration before evaluating and then return the result.
flatMap<B>(covariant Function1<A, IO<B>> f) IO<B>
Sequences the evaluation of this IO and the provided function f that will create the next IO to be evaluated.
flatTap<B>(covariant Function1<A, IO<B>> f) IO<A>
Performs the side-effect encoded in f using the value created by this IO, then returning the original value.
foreverM() IO<Never>
Continually re-evaluate this IO forever, until an error or cancelation.
guarantee(IO<Unit> fin) IO<A>
Executes the provided finalizer fin regardless of the Outcome of evaluating this IO.
guaranteeCase(Function1<Outcome<A>, IO<Unit>> fin) IO<A>
Executes the provided finalizer fin which can decide what action to take depending on the Outcome of this IO.
handleError(Function1<RuntimeException, A> f) IO<A>
Intercepts any upstream Exception, returning the value generated by f.
handleErrorWith(covariant Function1<RuntimeException, IO<A>> f) IO<A>
Intercepts any upstream Exception, sequencing in the IO generated by f.
isolate({String? debugName}) IO<A>
iterateUntil(Function1<A, bool> p) IO<A>
Continually re-evaluates this IO until the computed value satisfies the given predicate p. The first computed value that satisfies p will be the final result.
iterateWhile(Function1<A, bool> p) IO<A>
Continually re-evaluates this IO while the computed value satisfies the given predicate p. The first computed value that does not satisfy p will be the final result.
map<B>(covariant Function1<A, B> f) IO<B>
Applies f to the value of this IO, returning the result.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onCancel(IO<Unit> fin) IO<A>
Attaches a finalizer to this IO that will be evaluated if this IO is canceled.
onError(covariant Function1<RuntimeException, IO<Unit>> f) IO<A>
Performs the given side-effect if this IO results in a error.
option() IO<Option<A>>
Replaces any failures from this IO with None. A successful value is wrapped in Some.
orElse(Function0<IO<A>> that) IO<A>
If the evaluation of this IO results in an error, run that as an attempt to recover.
parReplicate(int n) IO<IList<A>>
Runs this IO n times, accumulating the result from each evaluation into an IList. All replications will be run asynchronously.
parReplicate_(int n) IO<Unit>
Runs this IO n times, discarding any resulting values. All replications will be run asynchronously.
product<B>(IO<B> that) IO<(A, B)>
Sequentially evaluate this IO, then that, and return the product (i.e. tuple) of each value.
productL<B>(Function0<IO<B>> that) IO<A>
Sequentially evaluate this IO, then that, returning the value producted by this, discarding that value from that.
productR<B>(Function0<IO<B>> that) IO<B>
Sequentially evaluate this IO, then that, returning the value producted by that, discarding the value from this.
redeem<B>(Function1<RuntimeException, B> recover, Function1<A, B> map) IO<B>
Returns the value created from recover or map, depending on whether this IO results in an error or is successful.
redeemWith<B>(Function1<RuntimeException, IO<B>> recover, Function1<A, IO<B>> bind) IO<B>
Returns the value created from recover or map, depending on whether this IO results in an error or is successful.
replicate(int n) IO<IList<A>>
Runs this IO n times, accumulating the result from each evaluation into an IList.
replicate_(int n) IO<Unit>
Runs this IO n times, discarding any resulting values.
start() IO<IOFiber<A>>
Starts the execution of this IO, returning a handle to the running IO in the form of an IOFiber. The fiber can be used to wait for a result or cancel it's execution.
timed() IO<(Duration, A)>
Times how long this IO takes to evaluate, and returns the Duration and the value as a tuple.
timeout(Duration duration) IO<A>
Creates an IO that returns the value of this IO, or raises an error if the evaluation take longer than duration.
timeoutAndForget(Duration duration) IO<A>
timeoutTo(Duration duration, IO<A> fallback) IO<A>
Creates an IO that will return the value of this IO, or the value of fallback if the evaluation of this IO exceeds duration.
toResource() Resource<A>
Lifts this IO to a Resource
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toSyncIO(int limit) SyncIO<Either<IO<A>, A>>
tupleLeft<B>(B b) IO<(B, A)>
Creates an IO that will return the value of this IO tupled with b, with b taking the first element of the tuple.
tupleRight<B>(B b) IO<(A, B)>
Creates an IO that will return the value of this IO tupled with b, with b taking the second element of the tuple.
unsafeRunAndForget({int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) → void
Starts the evaluation of this IO and discards any results.
unsafeRunAsync(Function1<Outcome<A>, void> cb, {int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) → void
Starts the evaluation this IO and invokes the given callback cb with the Outcome.
unsafeRunCancelable({int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) → Function0<Future<Unit>>
Starts the evaluation of this IO and returns a function that can be called to cancel the evaluation. If the evaluation has already finished, the cancelation function is a no-op.
unsafeRunFuture({int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) Future<A>
Starts the evaluation of this IO and returns a Future that will complete with the Outcome of the evaluation. The Future may complete with an error if the evaluation of the IO encounters and error or is canceled.
unsafeRunFutureCancelable({int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) → (Future<A>, Function0<Future<Unit>>)
Starts the evaluation of this IO and returns a Future that will complete with the Outcome of the evaluation as well as a function that can be called to cancel the future. The Future will not complete with an error, since the value itself is capable of conveying an error was encountered. If the evaluation has already finished, the cancelation function is a no-op.
unsafeRunFutureOutcome({int autoCedeN = IOFiber.DefaultAutoCedeN}) Future<Outcome<A>>
Evaluates this IO and returns a Future that will complete with the Outcome of the evaluation. The Future will not complete with an error, since the value itself is capable of conveying an error was encountered.
untilM(IO<bool> cond) IO<IList<A>>
Evaluates this IO repeatedly until evaluating cond results is true. Results from every evaluation is accumulated in the returned IList.
untilM_(IO<bool> cond) IO<Unit>
Evaluates this IO repeatedly until evaluating cond results is true. Results are discarded.
voided() IO<Unit>
Discards the value of this IO and replaces it with Unit.
whilelM(IO<bool> cond) IO<IList<A>>
Evaluates this IO repeatedly until evaluating cond results is false. Results from every evaluation is accumulated in the returned IList.
whileM_(IO<bool> cond) IO<Unit>
Evaluates this IO repeatedly until evaluating cond results is false. Results are discarded.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

canceled IO<Unit>
Creates an IO that immediately results in an Outcome of Canceled.
getter/setter pair
cede IO<Unit>
Introduces an asynchronous boundary in the IO runtime loop that can be used for cancelation checking and fairness, among other things.
getter/setter pair
now IO<DateTime>
Returns the current DateTime when evaluation occurs.
getter/setter pair
stub IO<Never>
Alias for IO.delay(() => throw UnimplementedError())
no setter
unit IO<Unit>
Alias for IO.pure(Unit()).
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

async<A>(AsyncBodyWithFin<A> k) IO<A>
Suspends the asynchronous effect k within IO. When evaluation is completed, the callback will be invoked with the result of the IO. If the newly created IO is canceled, the provided finalizer will be invoked.
async_<A>(AsyncBody<A> k) IO<A>
Suspends the asynchronous effect k within IO. When evaluation is completed, the callback will be invoked with the result of the IO.
both<A, B>(IO<A> ioa, IO<B> iob) IO<(A, B)>
Runs both ioa and iob together, returning a tuple of both results if both of them are successful. If either of them results in an error or is canceled, that error or cancelation is propogated.
bothOutcome<A, B>(IO<A> ioa, IO<B> iob) IO<(Outcome<A>, Outcome<B>)>
Runs both ioa and iob, returning a tuple of the Outcome of each.
bracketFull<A, B>(Function1<Poll, IO<A>> acquire, Function1<A, IO<B>> use, Function2<A, Outcome<B>, IO<Unit>> release) IO<B>
Creates an IO that will evaluate acquire, pass the result to use if successful and then guarantee the evaluation of release.
defer<A>(Function0<IO<A>> thunk) IO<A>
Suspends the synchronous evaluation of thunk in IO.
deferred<A>() IO<Deferred<A>>
Creates a new Deferred of the given generic type.
delay<A>(Function0<A> thunk) IO<A>
Suspends the synchronous evaluation of thunk in IO.
exec<A>(Function0<A> thunk) IO<Unit>
Executes the given function, discarding any result.
fromCancelableOperation<A>(IO<CancelableOperation<A>> op) IO<A>
Creates an IO that returns the value or error of the underlying CancelableOperation. If new IO is canceled, the cancelation request will be forwarded to the underlying CancelableOperation.
fromEither<A>(Either<Object, A> either) IO<A>
Alias for IO.pure when either is Right, or IO.raiseError with either providing the error when either is Left.
fromFuture<A>(IO<Future<A>> fut) IO<A>
Create an IO that returns the value of the underlying Future or the error fut emits.
fromFutureF<A>(Function0<Future<A>> futF) IO<A>
Create an IO that returns the value of the underlying Future function or the error futF emits.
fromOption<A>(Option<A> option, Function0<Object> orElse) IO<A>
Alias for IO.pure when option is Some, or IO.raiseError with orElse providing the error when option is None.
never<A>() IO<A>
Returns a non-terminating IO, alias for async_((_) {}).
none<A>() IO<Option<A>>
Alias for IO.pure(const None()).
print(String message) IO<Unit>
Writes message to stdout, delaying the effect until evaluation.
printErr(String message) IO<Unit>
Writes message to stderr, delaying the effect until evaluation.
printErrLn(String message) IO<Unit>
Writes message with a newline to stderr, delaying the effect until evaluation.
println(String message) IO<Unit>
Writes message with a newline to stdout, delaying the effect until evaluation.
pure<A>(A a) IO<A>
Lifts a pure value into IO.
race<A, B>(IO<A> ioa, IO<B> iob) IO<Either<A, B>>
Runs ioa and iob together, returning the first IO to finish after the loser is canceled.
raceOutcome<A, B>(IO<A> ioa, IO<B> iob) IO<Either<Outcome<A>, Outcome<B>>>
Runs ioa and iob together, returning the Outcome of the winner after canceling the loser.
racePair<A, B>(IO<A> ioa, IO<B> iob) IO<Either<AWon<A, B>, BWon<A, B>>>
Runs ioa and iob together, returning a pair of the Outcome of the IO that finished first (won) and an IOFiber handle for the loser.
raiseError<A>(RuntimeException error) IO<A>
Create an IO that will inject the given error into the IO evaluation.
raiseUnless(bool cond, Function0<RuntimeException> e) IO<Unit>
Returns an IO.raiseError when cond is false, otherwice IO.unit.
raiseWhen(bool cond, Function0<RuntimeException> e) IO<Unit>
Returns an IO.raiseError when cond is true, otherwice IO.unit.
readLine() IO<String>
Reads a line from stdin. This is a blocking operation and will not finish until a full line of input is available from the console.
ref<A>(A a) IO<Ref<A>>
Creates a new Ref of the given generic type.
sleep(Duration duration) IO<Unit>
Creates an ansynchronous IO that will sleep for the given duration and resume when finished.
some<A>(A a) IO<Option<A>>
Alias for IO.pure(Some(a)).
uncancelable<A>(Function1<Poll, IO<A>> body) IO<A>
Creates an uncancelable region within the IO run loop. The Poll provided can be used to create unmasked cancelable regions within the uncancelable region.
unlessA<A>(bool cond, Function0<IO<A>> action) IO<Unit>
Returns the action argument when cond is false, otherwise returns IO.unit.
whenA<A>(bool cond, Function0<IO<A>> action) IO<Unit>
Returns the action argument when cond is true, otherwise returns IO.unit.