IndexedSeq<A> mixin

Seqs with efficient [] and length operators

Superclass Constraints
Mixin Applications


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
Returns the first element of this collection, or throws if it is empty.
no setterinherited
headOption Option<A>
Returns the first element of this collection as a Some if non-empty. If this collction is empty, None is returned.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
no setterinherited
isNotEmpty bool
no setterinherited
isTraversableAgain bool
no setterinherited
iterator RIterator<A>
no setterinherited
knownSize int
Returns the number of elements in this collection, if that number is already known. If not, -1 is returned.
no setterinherited
last → A
Returns the last element of this collection, or throws if it is empty.
no setterinherited
lastOption Option<A>
Returns the last element of this collection as a Some, or None if this collection is empty.
no setterinherited
length int
no setterinherited
nonEmpty bool
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size int
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
no setterinherited


appended(A elem) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new Seq, with the given elem added to the end.
appendedAll(RIterableOnce<A> suffix) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new Seq, with elems added to the end.
collect<B>(Function1<A, Option<B>> f) IndexedSeq<B>
Returns a new collection by applying f to each element an only keeping results of type Some.
collectFirst<B>(Function1<A, Option<B>> f) Option<B>
Applies f to each element of this collection, returning the first element that results in a Some, if any.
combinations(int n) RIterator<IndexedSeq<A>>
Returns an Iterator that will produce all combinations of elements from this sequence of size n in order.
concat(covariant RIterableOnce<A> suffix) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a copy of this collection, with elems added to the end.
contains(A elem) bool
Returns true, if any element of this collection equals elem.
containsSlice(RSeq<A> that) bool
Returns true if that is contained in this collection, in order.
corresponds<B>(covariant RIterable<B> that, Function2<A, B, bool> p) bool
Returns true if this collection has the same size as that and each corresponding element from this and that satisfies the given predicate p.
count(Function1<A, bool> p) int
Return the number of elements in this collection that satisfy the given predicate.
diff(RSeq<A> that) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with the difference of this and that, i.e. all elements that appear in only this collection.
distinct() RSeq<A>
Returns a new collection where every element is distinct according to equality.
distinctBy<B>(Function1<A, B> f) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection where every element is distinct according to the application of f to each element.
drop(int n) IndexedSeq<A>
dropRight(int n) IndexedSeq<A>
Return a new collection with the last n elements removed.
dropWhile(Function1<A, bool> p) IndexedSeq<A>
endsWith(RIterable<A> that) bool
Returns true if the end of this collection has the same elements in order as that. Otherwise, false is returned.
exists(Function1<A, bool> p) bool
Returns true if any element of this collection satisfies the given predicate, false if no elements satisfy it.
filter(Function1<A, bool> p) IndexedSeq<A>
filterNot(Function1<A, bool> p) IndexedSeq<A>
find(Function1<A, bool> p) Option<A>
Returns the first element from this collection that satisfies the given predicate p. If no element satisfies p, None is returned.
findLast(Function1<A, bool> p) Option<A>
flatMap<B>(covariant Function1<A, RIterableOnce<B>> f) IndexedSeq<B>
fold(A init, Function2<A, A, A> op) → A
Returns a summary value by applying op to all elements of this collection, moving from left to right. The fold uses a seed value of z.
foldLeft<B>(B z, Function2<B, A, B> op) → B
Returns a summary value by applying op to all elements of this collection, moving from left to right. The fold uses a seed value of z.
foldRight<B>(B z, Function2<A, B, B> op) → B
Returns a summary value by applying op to all elements of this collection, moving from right to left. The fold uses a seed value of z.
forall(Function1<A, bool> p) bool
Returns true if all elements of this collection satisfy the given predicate, false if any elements do not.
foreach<U>(Function1<A, U> f) → void
Applies f to each element of this collection, discarding any resulting values.
groupBy<K>(Function1<A, K> f) IMap<K, IndexedSeq<A>>
Partitions all elements of this collection by applying f to each element and accumulating duplicate keys in the returned IMap.
grouped(int size) RIterator<RIterable<A>>
Returns a new iterator where each element is a collection of size elements from the original collection. The last element may contain less than size elements.
groupMap<K, B>(Function1<A, K> key, Function1<A, B> f) IMap<K, IndexedSeq<B>>
Creates a new map by generating a key-value pair for each elements of this collection using key and f. Any elements that generate the same key will have the resulting values accumulated in the returned map.
groupMapReduce<K, B>(Function1<A, K> key, Function1<A, B> f, Function2<B, B, B> reduce) IMap<K, B>
Partitions all elements of this collection by applying key to each element. Additionally f is applied to each element to generate a value. If multiple values are generating for the same key, those values will be combined using reduce.
indexOf(A elem, [int from = 0]) Option<int>
Returns the first index, if any, where the element at that index equals elem. If no index contains elem, None is returned.
indexOfSlice(RSeq<A> that, [int from = 0]) Option<int>
Finds the first index in this collection where the next sequence of elements is equal to that. If that cannot be found in this collection, None is returned.
indexWhere(Function1<A, bool> p, [int from = 0]) Option<int>
Returns the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate p. If no element satisfies, None is returned.
init() RSeq<A>
Returns all elements from this collection except the last. If this collection is empty, an empty collection is returned.
inits() RIterator<RIterable<A>>
Returns an iterator of all potential tails of this collection, starting with the entire collection and ending with an empty one.
intersect(RSeq<A> that) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with the intersection of this and that, i.e. all elements that appear in both collections.
intersperse(A x) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with sep inserted between each element.
isDefinedAt(int idx) bool
Returns true if this collection has an element at the given idx.
lastIndexOf(A elem, [int end = 2147483647]) Option<int>
Returns the last index, if any, where the element at that index equals elem. If no index contains elem, None is returned.
lastIndexOfSlice(RSeq<A> that, [int end = 2147483647]) Option<int>
Finds the last index in this collection where the next sequence of elements is equal to that. If that cannot be found in this collection, None is returned.
lastIndexWhere(Function1<A, bool> p, [int end = 2147483647]) Option<int>
Returns the index of the last element that satisfies the predicate p. If no element satisfies, None is returned.
lift(int ix) Option<A>
Returns the element at index ix as a Some. If ix is outside the range of this collection, None is returned.
map<B>(covariant Function1<A, B> f) RSeq<B>
maxByOption<B>(Function1<A, B> f, Order<B> order) Option<A>
Finds the largest element in this collection by applying f to each element and using the given Order to find the greatest.
maxOption(Order<A> order) Option<A>
Finds the largest element in this collection according to the given Order.
minByOption<B>(Function1<A, B> f, Order<B> order) Option<A>
Finds the smallest element in this collection by applying f to each element and using the given Order to find the greatest.
minOption(Order<A> order) Option<A>
Finds the largest element in this collection according to the given Order.
mkString({String? start, String? sep, String? end}) String
Returns a String by using each elements toString(), adding sep between each element. If start is defined, it will be prepended to the resulting string. If end is defined, it will be appended to the resulting string.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
padTo(int len, A elem) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with a length of at least len.
partition(Function1<A, bool> p) → (IndexedSeq<A>, IndexedSeq<A>)
Returns 2 collections as a tuple where the first tuple element will be a collection of elements that satisfy the given predicate p. The second item of the returned tuple will be elements that do not satisfy p.
partitionMap<A1, A2>(Function1<A, Either<A1, A2>> f) → (IndexedSeq<A1>, IndexedSeq<A2>)
Applies f to each element of this collection and returns a separate collection for all applications resulting in a Left and Right respectively.
patch(int from, RIterableOnce<A> other, int replaced) IndexedSeq<A>
permutations() RIterator<IndexedSeq<A>>
Returns an Iterator that will emit all possible permutations of the elements in this collection.
prepended(A elem) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with elem added to the beginning.
prependedAll(RIterableOnce<A> prefix) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with all elems added to the beginning.
reduce(Function2<A, A, A> op) → A
reduceLeft(Function2<A, A, A> op) → A
reduceLeftOption(Function2<A, A, A> op) Option<A>
Returns a summary values of all elements of this collection by applying f to each element, moving left to right.
reduceOption(Function2<A, A, A> op) Option<A>
Returns a summary values of all elements of this collection by applying f to each element, moving left to right.
reduceRight(Function2<A, A, A> op) → A
reduceRightOption(Function2<A, A, A> op) Option<A>
Returns a summary values of all elements of this collection by applying f to each element, moving right to left.
removeAt(int idx) RSeq<A>
removeFirst(Function1<A, bool> p) RSeq<A>
reverse() RSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with the order of the elements reversed.
reverseIterator() RIterator<A>
Returns an iterator that will emit all elements in this collection, in reverse order.
sameElements(RIterable<A> that) bool
Returns true if this collection has the same elements, in the same order, as that.
scan<B>(B z, Function2<B, A, B> op) IndexedSeq<B>
Returns a new collection of the accumulation of results by applying f to all elements of the collection, including the inital value z. Traversal moves from left to right.
scanLeft<B>(B z, Function2<B, A, B> op) IndexedSeq<B>
scanRight<B>(B z, Function2<A, B, B> op) IndexedSeq<B>
segmentLength(Function1<A, bool> p, [int from = 0]) int
slice(int from, int until) RIterable<A>
sliding(int size, [int step = 1]) RIterator<IndexedSeq<A>>
Returns an iterator where elements are fixed size chunks of size n of the original collection. Each chunk is calculated by sliding a 'window' of size n over the original collection, moving the window step elements at a time.
sortBy<B>(Order<B> order, Function1<A, B> f) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection that is sorted according to order after applying f to each element in this collection.
sorted(Order<A> order) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection that is sorted according to order.
sortWith(Function2<A, A, bool> lt) IndexedSeq<A>
Returns a new collection sorted using the provided function lt which is used to determine if one element is less than the other.
span(Function1<A, bool> p) → (RSeq<A>, RSeq<A>)
splitAt(int n) → (RSeq<A>, RSeq<A>)
Returns 2 collectins of all elements before and after index n respectively.
startsWith(RIterableOnce<A> that, [int offset = 0]) bool
Returns true if the beginning of this collection corresponds with that.
tail() RSeq<A>
Returns a new collection with the first element removed. If this collection is empty, an empty collection is returned.
tails() RIterator<RIterable<A>>
Returns an iterator of all potential tails of this collection, starting with the entire collection and ending with an empty one.
take(int n) RIterable<A>
takeRight(int n) RIterable<A>
Returns a new collection with the last n elements of this collection. If n is greater than the size of this collection, the original collection is returned.
takeWhile(Function1<A, bool> p) RIterable<A>
tapEach<U>(Function1<A, U> f) RIterable<A>
Applies f to each element in this collection, discarding any results and returns this collection.
toIList() IList<A>
Returns an IList with the same elements as this collection.
toIndexedSeq() IndexedSeq<A>
Returns an IndexedSeq with the same elements as this collection.
toISet() ISet<A>
Returns an ISet with the same elements as this collection, duplicates removed.
toIVector() IVector<A>
Returns an IVector with the same elements as this collection.
toList({bool growable = true}) List<A>
Returns a new List with the same elements as this collection.
toSeq() RSeq<A>
Returns a RSeq with the same elements as this collection.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
traverseEither<B, C>(Function1<A, Either<B, C>> f) Either<B, RSeq<C>>
Applies f to each element of this RSeq and collects the results into a new collection. If Left is encountered for any element, that result is returned and any additional elements will not be evaluated.
traverseOption<B>(Function1<A, Option<B>> f) Option<RSeq<B>>
Applies f to each element of this RSeq and collects the results into a new collection. If None is encountered for any element, that result is returned and any additional elements will not be evaluated.
updated(int index, A elem) RSeq<A>
view() SeqView<A>
zip<B>(RIterableOnce<B> that) IndexedSeq<(A, B)>
Returns a new collection that combines corresponding elements from this collection and that as a tuple. The length of the returned collection will be the minimum of this collections size and the size of that.
zipAll<B>(RIterableOnce<B> that, A thisElem, B thatElem) IndexedSeq<(A, B)>
Returns a new collection that combines corresponding elements from this collection and that as a tuple. The length of the returned collection will be the maximum of this collections size and thes size of that. If this collection is shorter than that, thisElem will be used to fill in the resulting collection. If that is shorter, thatElem will be used to will in the resulting collection.
zipWithIndex() IndexedSeq<(A, int)>
Return a new collection with each element of this collection paired with it's respective index.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int idx) → A

Static Methods

from<A>(RIterableOnce<A> elems) IndexedSeq<A>
fromDart<A>(Iterable<A> elems) IndexedSeq<A>