find method
Finds all complete words in the trie matching the prefix
Returns a list of all matches. If there are no matches, an empty list is returned.
List<String> find(String prefix) {
// Find the node of associated with the last character of the prefix.
final lastCharacterNode = findPrefix(prefix, fromNode: _root);
// The prefix does not exist in the tre.
if (lastCharacterNode == null) {
return [];
final stack = <_PartialMatch>[
_PartialMatch(node: lastCharacterNode, partialWord: prefix),
final foundWords = <String>[];
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
final partialMatch = stack.removeLast();
// The partial match node corresponds to an entire word.
if (partialMatch.node.isEndOfWord) {
// Walk each of the child node of the partial match.
for (final child in partialMatch.node.getChildren()) {
node: child,
partialWord: "${partialMatch.partialWord}${child.key}",
return foundWords;