EffectNotifier<S, R> mixin

Result notifier that executes an "effect" whenever a source ResultNotifier changes value.

The effect is implemented by the fetch function provided when creating this notifier, or by overriding the fetchData method in a subclass.

See for instance SyncEffectNotifier and AsyncEffectNotifier for concrete implementations.

Superclass constraints
Mixin applications
Available extensions


data ↔ R
Attempts to get the Result.data of the current Result value.
getter/setter pairinherited
dataOrNull → R?
Get the Result.data of the current Result value, or null if no data is available (i.e. hasData is false).
no setterinherited
error Object?
no setterinherited
expiration Duration?
Cache expiration time. If null, the cache will never expire.
future Future<R>
If data or error is available, it will be returned directly (as Future.value / Future.error), otherwise a Completer will be used to await data or error.
getter/setter pairinherited
hasData bool
Checks if the result contains data, regardless of the result type. Note that this is different from isData.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
ignoreLoading bool
If true, any Loading state of the input notifiers will be ignored, and the previous result will be kept.
no setter
isActive bool
Checks if this notifier is still active, i.e. not disposed.
no setterinherited
isAlwaysFresh bool
Returns true if no expiration has been set, meaning the cache will never expire.
no setterinherited
isCancelled bool
Checks if the current state is Error and the error is a CancelledException.
no setterinherited
isData bool
Checks if the result is Data. Note that this is different from if this notifier currently contains data (i.e. hasData).
no setterinherited
isError bool
Checks if the current state is Error.
no setterinherited
isFresh bool
Checks if the current data is fresh, not stale, i.e. time since last update is less than expiration (if set).
no setterinherited
isInitial bool
Checks if the the result is the Initial loading state.
no setterinherited
isLoading bool
Checks if the the result is Loading. Note that the initial state (Initial) is also interpreted as a loading state.
no setterinherited
isLoadingData bool
Checks if the data is currently being loaded, i.e. the current state is Loading but not Initial.
no setterinherited
isReloading bool
Checks if data is currently being reloaded, i.e. the current state is Loading and hasData.
no setterinherited
isStale bool
Returns true if the current data isn't fresh or if the current result isn't Data.
no setterinherited
lastUpdate DateTime
The last time the result was updated.
no setterinherited
onErrorReturn → R Function(Object? error)?
Callback invoked when an error occurs, to produce fallback data.
onFetch ResultNotifierCallback<R>?
Callback invoked when data needs to be fetched.
onReset ResultNotifierCallback<R>?
Callback invoked when this notifier is reset, cancelled or disposed.
result Result<R>
Just an alias for value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stackTrace StackTrace?
no setterinherited
value Result<R>
The current Result stored in this notifier.
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
willAutoReset bool
If true, this notifier will automatically reset itself when all listeners are removed.
willRefreshOnError bool
If true, the refresh method will fetch new data when the current state is Error.


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Adds a listener to this notifier and triggers an asynchronous refreshes the data, if necessary.
alwaysData(R defaultData) ResultNotifier<R>
Creates a new ResultNotifier that only gets updated when the data of this notifier changes, i.e. ignoring Loading and Error states.
asyncEffect<R>(AsyncEffect<R, R> effect, {R? data, Result<R>? result, Duration? expiration, ResultNotifierCallback<R>? onReset, R onErrorReturn(Object? error)?, bool autoReset = false, bool refreshOnError = false, bool immediate = false, bool ignoreLoading = false}) EffectNotifier<R, R>
Creates a new asynchronous EffectNotifier that executes the provided asynchronous effect the data of this notifier changes.
builder(Widget builder(BuildContext context, Result<R> result, Widget? child), {Widget? child}) ValueListenableBuilder<Result<R>>
Convenience method for simplifying the creation of a ValueListenableBuilder with ResultNotifier.
cancel({bool always = false}) → void
Cancels the current data loading operation, if any.
combineLatest<R>(ResultListenable<R> other, {required R combineData(List<R> data)}) CombineLatestNotifier<R, R>
Creates a new CombineLatestNotifier that that combines the value of this notifier with another one.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
effect<R>(Effect<R, R> effect, {R? data, Result<R>? result, Duration? expiration, ResultNotifierCallback<R>? onReset, R onErrorReturn(Object? error)?, bool autoReset = false, bool refreshOnError = false, bool immediate = false, bool ignoreLoading = false}) EffectNotifier<R, R>
Creates a new synchronous EffectNotifier that executes the provided effect the data of this notifier changes.
fetchData() → void
Called to fetch new data.
invalidate() Result<R>
Marks the current Data (if any) as stale, i.e. it will be re-fetched on next access.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
onData(void listener(R data)) VoidCallback
Registers a listener (addListener) that will only be invoked for Data results.
onError(void listener(Object? error, StackTrace? stackTrace, R? data)) VoidCallback
Registers a listener (addListener) that will only be invoked for Error results.
onLoading(void listener(R? data)) VoidCallback
Registers a listener (addListener) that will only be invoked for Loading results.
onResult(void listener(Result<R> result)) VoidCallback
Registers a listener (addListener) that will be invoked with the current Result (value).
refresh({bool force = false, bool alwaysTouch = false}) → void
Refreshes this notifier with fresh Data if it is stale or forced.
refreshAwait({bool force = false, bool alwaysTouch = false}) Future<R>
Refreshes this notifier with fresh Data if it is stale or forced, and awaits data or error.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
reset([R? initialData]) → void
Resets the result to Initial, or to stale Data if initialData is specified.
setDataAsync(FutureOr<R> fetchData()) Future<R>
Sets the data of this notifier asynchronously using the data returned by the provided function, which in turn is returned by this method (in form of a Future).
setResultAsync(FutureOr<Result<R>> fetchResult()) Future<Result<R>>
Sets the value (result) of this notifier asynchronously using the result returned by the provided function.
streamEffect<R>(StreamEffect<R, R> effect, {R? data, Result<R>? result, Duration? expiration, ResultNotifierCallback<R>? onReset, R onErrorReturn(Object? error)?, bool autoReset = false, bool refreshOnError = false, bool ignoreLoading = false}) EffectNotifier<R, R>
Creates a new asynchronous EffectNotifier that executes the provided stream effect the data of this notifier changes.
toCancelled({R? data, DateTime? lastUpdate}) Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to cancellation Error.
toData({R? data, R orElse()?, DateTime? lastUpdate}) Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to Data.
toError({Object? error, StackTrace? stackTrace, R? data, DateTime? lastUpdate}) Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to Error.
toInitial({R? data, DateTime? lastUpdate}) Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to the Initial loading state.
toLoading({R? data, DateTime? lastUpdate}) Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to Loading.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
touch() Result<R>
Attempts to convert the result to fresh Data (i.e. set the lastUpdate to DateTime.now()), preventing cache expiration.
updateDataAsync(FutureOr<R> fetchData()) Future<void>
Updates the data of this notifier asynchronously using the data returned by the provided function, and then returns a Future that can optionally be used to await the completion of the update.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.