result_monad library

A Dart implementation of the Result Monad which models success (ok) or failure (error) operation return types to allow for more expressive return generation/processing without using exceptions


Result<T, E>
The Result Monad type which will encapsulate a success (ok) value of type T or a failure (error) value of type E


runCatching<T>(Result<T, dynamic> function()) Result<T, dynamic>
Runs the passed in function catching any thrown error objects and returning it as a result monad.
runCatchingAsync<T>(FutureResult<T, dynamic> function()) FutureResult<T, dynamic>
Runs the passed in async function catching any thrown error objects and returning it as a result monad.


FutureResult<T, E> = Future<Result<T, E>>
A shorthand type notation for Result futures FutureResult<int,String> func() async {}

Exceptions / Errors

Exception type for Result Monad specific exceptions (such as getting the success value when the Result contained is a failure.