determineDeviceType function

DeviceTypeInformation determineDeviceType(
  1. MediaQueryData? mediaQueryData,
  2. bool? targetOlderComputers

This function is used to determine the device type, using the device's width and height in logical pixels, its pixel ratio, PPI and OS Platform


DeviceTypeInformation determineDeviceType(
    MediaQueryData? mediaQueryData, bool? targetOlderComputers) {
  ///Variable for device type based on the DeviceTypeInformation enum
  DeviceTypeInformation? deviceType;

  ///Device width in logical pixels
  num deviceLogicalWidth = mediaQueryData!.size.width;

  ///Device height in logical pixels
  num deviceLogicalHeight = mediaQueryData.size.height;

  ///Device pixel ratio
  num devicePixelRatio = mediaQueryData.devicePixelRatio;

  ///Diagonal length of the device in pixels calculated using Pythogoras theorem
  num? diagonalPixels;

  ///Variable used to determine device pixel density using its pixel ratio
  num? devicePixelDensity;

  ///Variable used to return the device type depending on the results of the calculation
  num? deviceSize;

  ///Function used to calculate the device size
  num calculateDeviceSize() {
    ///Online research showed that a device pixel ratio of 1 = 160 pixel density. This was used as a
    ///reference point for determining the device type. Older devices had a pixel density lower
    ///than 160 (such as 120 or 96). The following if...else block takes this into account and runs some
    ///simple calculations to return the the device size
    ///if block if device pixel ratio is > or < 1
    if (devicePixelRatio > 1 || devicePixelRatio < 1) {
      ///Device pixel resolution in width calculated by multiplying the logical pixels by the device
      ///pixel ratio
      num resolutionWidth = deviceLogicalWidth * devicePixelRatio;

      ///Device pixel resolution in height calculated by multiplying the logical pixels by the device
      ///pixel ratio
      num resolutionHeight = deviceLogicalHeight * devicePixelRatio;

      ///Calculate the diagonal pixels in accordance with Pythogoras theorem, which states that
      ///diagonal = SquareRoot((SideA^2) + (SideB^2)). Here, Side A is the width and Side B is the
      ///height. This theorem is used to determine the diagonal side of the device, as the diagonal
      ///size is the most frequent specification used by manufacturers for their devices. It can
      ///also be used in a more generic fashion to determine the device size. There is also more variety
      ///in resolution and pixel ratio across devices. Taking either of these values into account while
      ///ignoring the other is not an accurate way of determining the device size and hence the device type
      diagonalPixels = sqrt(pow(resolutionWidth, 2) + pow(resolutionHeight, 2));

      ///Calculate device pixel density = device pixel ratio * 160
      devicePixelDensity = devicePixelRatio * 160;

    ///else block if device pixel ratio = 1
    else {
      ///No need to determine resolution as in the above if block when device pixel ratio = 1
      ///Device pixel ratio = 1 if device dots per inch (DPI) = 160 (baseline)
      diagonalPixels = sqrt(pow(deviceLogicalWidth, 2) + pow(deviceLogicalHeight, 2));
      devicePixelDensity = 160;

    ///The formula for determining the device diagonal size in inches is the diagonal pixels/device
    ///pixel density
    return deviceSize = diagonalPixels! / devicePixelDensity!;

  ///Function used to determine the device type based on the above calculations
  DeviceTypeInformation determineDeviceType() {
    ///Perform the calculations

    ///The checkHandheldDevicePlatform flag is used to determine a Handheld
    ///device's OS Platform
    bool checkHandheldDevicePlatform = Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS || Platform.isFuchsia;

    ///The checkComputerPlatform flag is used to determine a Computer device's OS Platform
    ///Here a Computer may be any Desktop or Laptop/Notebook device that runs either Windows,
    ///macOS or Linux
    bool checkComputerPlatform = Platform.isWindows || Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux;

    ///if...else block used to determine the device type based on the DeviceType enum and the
    ///DeviceInformation class. All threshold values are in inches
    if (deviceSize! <= 3) {
      return deviceType = DeviceTypeInformation.WEARABLE;
    } else if (deviceSize! > 3 && deviceSize! < 7.1 && checkHandheldDevicePlatform) {
      return deviceType = DeviceTypeInformation.MOBILE;
    } else if (deviceSize! > 7.1 && deviceSize! < 13.5 && checkHandheldDevicePlatform) {
      return deviceType = DeviceTypeInformation.TABLET;

      ///The baseline pixel density of 160 cannot be applied to devices whose pixel densities < 160
      ///(such as 72dpi or 96dpi).
      ///Therefore, for older computers, the above Pythogorean calculation is not taken into account
      ///as this causes a device type of UNKNOWN to be returned.
      ///Hence, DeviceTypeInformation.COMPUTER is returned based on the Platform enum and the
      ///targetOlderComputers flag for older computers.
      ///For newer computers, the Pythogorean calculation is taken into account
    } else if ((deviceSize! > 13.5 && deviceSize! < 55 && checkComputerPlatform) ||
        (targetOlderComputers! && checkComputerPlatform)) {
      return deviceType = DeviceTypeInformation.COMPUTER;
    } else {
      return deviceType = DeviceTypeInformation.UNKNOWN;

  ///Call the function to determine the device type

  ///Return the device type back to the DeviceInfoWidget
  return deviceType!;