setFontSize method

double setFontSize(
  1. double fontSize

setFontSize uses its argument fontSize to calculate the initial text size in pixels and from that the package can deal with all the calculation. setFontSize {@tool sample}

   'This is a Test Text',
    style: TextStyle(
            fontSize: response.setFontSize(24),
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
         ), //TextStyle
      ) //Text


fontSize is the text size which you want it to be the same across any screen size.


double setFontSize(double fontSize) {
  if (_fixedHeightFactor == null || _blockHeight == null || _originalWidth == null || _screenWidth == null)
    throw DidNotCallInit();
  double _heightCorrectionFactor = _fixedHeightFactor!;
  //if the original device is Tablet
  if (_originalWidth! > _screenWidth!) {
    _heightCorrectionFactor /= 1.2;
  return ((fontSize / _heightCorrectionFactor) * _blockHeight!);