research_package library
- AssetLocalizationLoader
A LocalizationLoader which can load translations from file assets
bundles. Remember to add the language file assets to the
file. - AssetLocalizations
- Localization support using assets files.
- AssetLocalizationsDelegate
A factory for a set of localized resources of type
, to be loaded by a Localizations widget. - BlocQuestion
- The BLoC for the communication between the question container RPUIQuestionStep and the question body
- BlocTask
- The BLoC for the communication between the RPUITask and its steps RPStep.
- CanSaveResult
- A protocol to mark the Widgets which are producing RPResult objects. They all need to implement the createAndSendResult method
- DataCollectionListItem
- DataCollectionListItemState
- InstructionImage
- Interaction
- Class representing an interaction with the app in the UI
- LocalizationLoader
- Interface for location loaders who knows how to load a translation map for a Locale.
- MapLocalizationLoader
- A LocalizationLoader which can load translations from a map.
- ResearchPackage
Start class for this research_package library. Use as a singleton by
. - RPActivityEventLogger
- The information logger used in RPUIActivityStep. It fills and modifies a RPActivityResult with events from an activity.
- RPActivityResult
- The result a RPActivityStep creates, populated with results, steptimes and interactions.
- RPActivityStep
- A concrete subclass of RPStep that represents a step in which a single Activity is presented to the user.
- RPAnswerFormat
- A base (abstract) class for different answer formats.
- RPChoice
- The choice object which the participant can choose during a RPQuestionStep with RPChoiceAnswerFormat.
- RPChoiceAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants choose from a fixed set of choices.
- RPCompletionStep
- A step which can be used as a "Thank you" or completion step in a task.
- RPConsentDocument
- Represents the content of an informed consent document.
- RPConsentReviewStep
- The step for presenting the consent document for review and collecting the signature
- RPConsentSection
- A content section in a RPConsentDocument.
- RPConsentSignature
- Class representing a signature in a consent document
- RPConsentSignatureResult
- Represents a signature applied to a given consent document. It indicates if a given consent document has been signed by a user.
- RPDataTypeSection
- Class representing a specific data type being collected to be shown as part of informed consent.
- RPDateTimeAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants choose from a fixed set of choices.
- The RPDirectStepNavigationRule class can be used to unconditionally jump to a destination step specified by its identifier or to finish the task early.
- RPDoubleAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants input a decimal number (double)
- RPFormAnswerFormat
- Class representing the Answer Format for Form Questions (Multiple questions at the same time on the same page)
- RPFormStep
- A RPFormStep is a special type of RPQuestionStep, used for presenting multiple questions on a single scrollable page.
- RPImageChoice
- The image choice object which the participants can choose from, during a RPQuestionStep with RPImageChoiceAnswerFormat
- RPImageChoiceAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants choose an image from a set of images.
- RPInstructionStep
- A step which can be used to show instructions and other information to the participant. Usually it is used as the first step in a Task explaining the task.
- RPIntegerAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants input a integer.
- RPLocalizations
- Localization support for Research Package using LocalizationLoader configurations.
- RPLocalizationsDelegate
- The RPNavigableOrderedTask class adds conditional step navigation to the behavior inherited from the RPOrderedTask class.
- RPNoResult
- The result object of a step with no result.
- RPOrderedTask
- A simple linear task which implement the RPTask protocol. It shows the steps one after another without the option of going back or branching.
- RPQuestionStep
- Represents a RPStep holding a single question to be presented to the user.
- RPResult
- The superclass for results. It defines the attributes which all the more specialized results classes should have.
- RPSignatureResult
- The signature used in RPConsentSignatureResult
- RPSliderAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants use a slider to choose a value.
- RPStep
- The base class for steps which can compose a task.
- RPStepJumpRule
- A navigation rule which maps from an answer to a step. If an answer value is specified then the survey jumps to that question if chosen. E.g.
- Super class of the navigation rules. Do not use this type, only sub-classes. Extend this to create a custom navigation rule.
- RPStepReorganizerRule
- Reorganizes the survey steps and removes all steps that arent specified by the reorderingMap. The survey will then go to the specified step
- RPStepResult
- The result from a RPStep.
- RPTask
- The RPTask class defines a task to be carried out by a participant in a research study.
- RPTaskProgress
- Simple class for keeping track the progress of the task. It contains the number of the current step and the total number of steps.
- RPTaskResult
- The result object a Task creates
- RPTextAnswerFormat
- Class representing an Answer Format that lets participants input a number (integer)
- RPTimerStep
- A step where the user is forced to wait for timeout before being allowed to proceed to the next step.
- RPUIActivityStep
- The UI representation of the RPActivityStep. This widget is the container, the concrete content depends on the input step's runtimeType.
- RPUIActivityStepState
- RPUIChoiceQuestionBody
The UI representation of RPChoiceAnswerFormat. This UI part appears embedded in a RPUIQuestionStep.
Depending on the RPChoiceAnswerFormat's
property, the user can select only one or multiple options. - RPUIChoiceQuestionBodyState
- RPUICompletionStep
- The UI representation of RPCompletionStep
- RPUICompletionStepState
- RPUIConsentReviewStep
- The UI representation of RPConsentReviewStep
- RPUIConsentReviewStepState
- RPUIDateTimeQuestionBody
- RPUIDateTimeQuestionBodyState
- RPUIDoubleQuestionBody
- RPUIDoubleQuestionBodyState
- RPUIFormStep
- RPUIFormStepState
- RPUIImageChoiceQuestionBody
- RPUIImageChoiceQuestionBodyState
- RPUIInstructionStep
- The UI representation of RPInstructionStep
- RPUIInstructionStepState
- RPUIIntegerQuestionBody
- RPUIIntegerQuestionBodyState
- RPUIQuestionStep
- The UI representation of the RPQuestionStep.
- RPUIQuestionStepState
- RPUISliderQuestionBody
- RPUISliderQuestionBodyState
- RPUITask
- This class is the primary entry point for the presentation of the Research Package framework UI. It presents the steps of an RPOrderedTask (either navigable or just linear) and then provides the RPTaskResult object.
- RPUITaskState
- RPUITextInputQuestionBody
- RPUITextInputQuestionBodyState
- RPUITimerStep
- The UI representation of the RPQuestionStep. This widget is the container, the concrete content depends on the input step's RPAnswerFormat.
- RPUITimerStepState
- RPUIVisualConsentStep
- The UI representation of RPVisualConsentStep
- RPUIVisualConsentStepState
- RPVisualConsentStep
- The step used for presenting the consent document to the participant
- StepTimes
- A class representing the times of each stage of the test.
- ActivityStatus
The three stages each test consists of.
These can be exclude using
. - RPChoiceAnswerStyle
- Available types for RPChoiceAnswerFormat
- RPConsentSectionType
- Enum containing the available types for RPConsentSection.
- RPDateTimeAnswerStyle
- For choosing Date, Time or DateAndTime sub-answerformat
- RPQuestionType
- RPStepStatus
- Status of a RPStep. Used in the Bloc so the Task Widget is notified about step navigation.
- blocQuestion → BlocQuestion
The singleton object of the question BLoC class which can be accessed
throughout Research Package.
- blocTask → BlocTask
The singleton object of the task BLoC class which can be accessed
throughout Research Package
) → void - Register all the fromJson functions for the deployment domain classes.