freezeAccount static method

TransactionInstruction freezeAccount({
  1. required Pubkey account,
  2. required Pubkey mint,
  3. required Pubkey authority,
  4. List<Pubkey> signers = const [],

Freeze an Initialized account using the Mint's freeze_authority (if set).


Single owner

  • [w] account - The account to freeze.
  • [] mint - The token mint.
  • [s] authority - The mint freeze authority.

Multisignature owner

  • [w] account - The account to freeze.
  • [] mint - The token mint.
  • [] authority - The mint's multisignature freeze authority.
  • [s] signers - The signer accounts.


static TransactionInstruction freezeAccount({
  required final Pubkey account,
  required final Pubkey mint,
  required final Pubkey authority,
  final List<Pubkey> signers = const [],
}) {
  // * Single owner
  // 0. `[w]` The account to fress.
  // 1. `[w]` The token mint.
  // 2. `[s]` The mint freeze authority.
  // * Multisignature owner
  // 0. `[w]` The account to freeze.
  // 1. `[w]` The token mint.
  // 2. `[]` The mint's multisignature freeze authority.
  // 3. `[s]` ..3+M, M signer accounts.
  final List<AccountMeta> keys = [
    AccountMeta(authority, isSigner: signers.isEmpty),
    for (final Pubkey signer in signers) AccountMeta.signer(signer),

  return _instance.createTransactionIntruction(
    keys: keys,