StakeProgram class

Stake Program



hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
pubkey Pubkey
The public key that identifies this program (i.e. program id).
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


checkDeployed(Connection connection) Future<void>
Check that the program has been deployed to the cluster and is an executable program.
createTransactionIntruction(Enum instruction, {required List<AccountMeta> keys, List<Iterable<int>> data = const []}) TransactionInstruction
Creates a TransactionInstruction for the program instruction.
encodeInstruction<T extends Enum>(T instruction) Iterable<int>
Encodes the program instruction.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

configId Pubkey
Configuration account.
no setter
programId Pubkey
The program id.
no setter

Static Methods

authorize({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, Pubkey? custodian, required Pubkey newAuthority, required StakeAuthorize authorityType}) TransactionInstruction
Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal.
authorizeChecked({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, required Pubkey? custodian, required Pubkey newAuthority, required StakeAuthorize authorityType}) TransactionInstruction
Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal.
authorizeCheckedWithSeed({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authorityBase, required Pubkey? custodian, required Pubkey newAuthority, required StakeAuthorize authorityType, required String authoritySeed, required Pubkey authorityOwner}) TransactionInstruction
Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key.
authorizeWithSeed({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authorityBase, required Pubkey? custodian, required Pubkey newAuthority, required StakeAuthorize authorityType, required String authoritySeed, required Pubkey authorityOwner}) TransactionInstruction
Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key.
createAccount({required Pubkey fromPubkey, required Pubkey newAccountPubkey, required bu64 lamports}) TransactionInstruction
Creates a SystemProgram instruction that generates a stake account.
createAccountWithSeed({required Pubkey fromPubkey, required Pubkey newAccountPubkey, required Pubkey basePubkey, required String seed, required bu64 lamports}) TransactionInstruction
Creates a SystemProgram instruction that generates a stake account. The address is derived from fromPubkey and seed.
deactivate({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority}) TransactionInstruction
Deactivates the stake in the account.
deactivateDelinquent({required Pubkey delegatedStakeAccount, required Pubkey delinquentVoteAccount, required Pubkey referenceVoteAccount}) TransactionInstruction
Deactivate stake delegated to a vote account that has been delinquent for at least MINIMUM_DELINQUENT_EPOCHS_FOR_DEACTIVATION epochs.
delegateStake({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey voteAccount, required Pubkey authority}) TransactionInstruction
Delegate a stake to a particular vote account.
getMinimumDelegation() TransactionInstruction
Get the minimum stake delegation, in lamports.
initialize({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Authorized authorized, required Lockup lockup}) TransactionInstruction
Initialize a stake with lockup and authorization information.
initializeChecked({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, required Pubkey withdrawAuthority}) TransactionInstruction
Initialize a stake with authorization information.
merge({required Pubkey destinationStakeAccount, required Pubkey sourceStakeAccount, required Pubkey authority}) TransactionInstruction
Merge two stake accounts.
redelegate({required Pubkey delegatedStakeAccount, required Pubkey uninitializedtStakeAccount, required Pubkey voteAccount, required Pubkey authority}) TransactionInstruction
Redelegate activated stake to another vote account.
setLockup({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, required LockupArgs lockup}) TransactionInstruction
Set stake lockup.
setLockupChecked({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, required Pubkey? custodian, required LockupCheckedArgs lockup}) TransactionInstruction
Set stake lockup.
split({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey uninitializedStakeAccount, required Pubkey authority, required bu64 lamports}) TransactionInstruction
Split u64 tokens and stake off a stake account into another stake account.
withdraw({required Pubkey stakeAccount, required Pubkey recipientAccount, required Pubkey withdrawAuthority, Pubkey? custodian, required bu64 lamports}) TransactionInstruction
Withdraw unstaked lamports from the stake account.


space → const int
The max space of a Stake account.