createProgramAddress static method

Pubkey createProgramAddress(
  1. List<List<int>> seeds,
  2. Pubkey programId

Derives a program address from the seeds and programId.

Throws an AssertionError if seeds contains an invalid seed.

Throws an ED25519Exception if the generated Pubkey falls on the ed25519 curve.


static Pubkey createProgramAddress(
  final List<List<int>> seeds,
  final Pubkey programId,
) {
  final List<int> buffer = [];

  for (final List<int> seed in seeds) {
    check(seed.length <= nacl.maxSeedLength, 'Invalid seed length.');


  final digestBytes = Uint8List.fromList(sha256.convert(buffer).bytes);

  if (isOnCurve(digestBytes)) {
    throw ED25519Exception('Invalid seeds $seeds\n'
        'The public key address must fall off the `ed25519` curve.');

  return Pubkey.fromUint8List(digestBytes);