compareTo method

int compareTo(
  1. Commitment? other

Compares this to other.

Returns a negative number if this is less than other, zero if they are equal, and a positive number if this is greater than other.


print(Commitment.finalized.compareTo(Commitment.processed));  // => 2
print(Commitment.finalized.compareTo(Commitment.confirmed));  // => 1
print(Commitment.finalized.compareTo(Commitment.finalized));  // => 0
print(Commitment.processed.compareTo(Commitment.processed));  // => 0
print(Commitment.processed.compareTo(Commitment.confirmed));  // => -1
print(Commitment.processed.compareTo(Commitment.finalized));  // => -2


int compareTo(final Commitment? other) => index - (other?.index ?? -1);