Buffer class




Buffer.new(int length)
Creates a fixed length list of 8-bit unsigned integers.
Buffer.flatten(List<Iterable<int>> buffers)
Creates a Buffer from a List of Buffers.
Buffer.fromBool(bool value)
Creates a Buffer from an bool value.
Buffer.fromDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
Creates a Buffer from a DateTime.
Buffer.fromFloat32(double value)
Creates a Buffer from an f32 value.
Buffer.fromFloat64(double value)
Creates a Buffer from a f64 value.
Buffer.fromInt8(int value)
Creates a Buffer from an i8 value.
Buffer.fromInt16(int value)
Creates a Buffer from an i16 value.
Buffer.fromInt32(int value)
Creates a Buffer from an i32 value.
Buffer.fromInt64(int value)
Creates a Buffer from an i64 value.
Buffer.fromInt128(BigInt value)
Creates a Buffer from an i128 value.
Buffer.fromList(Iterable<int> bytes, [int? length])
Creates a Buffer from a list of bytes.
Buffer.fromString(String encoded, [BufferEncoding encoding = BufferEncoding.utf8])
Creates a Buffer from an encoded string.
Buffer.fromUint8(int value)
Creates a Buffer from a u8 value.
Buffer.fromUint8List(Uint8List data)
Creates a Buffer from a Uint8List.
Buffer.fromUint16(int value)
Creates a Buffer from a u16 value.
Buffer.fromUint32(int value)
Creates a Buffer from a u32 value.
Buffer.fromUint64(BigInt value)
Creates a Buffer from a u64 value.
Buffer.fromUint128(BigInt value)
Creates a Buffer from a u128 value.
Buffer.generate(int length, int generator(int index))
Creates a Buffer of size length, initialised to the values returned by calling generator for each index.
Buffer.random(int length, [Random? random])
Creates a Buffer of size length, initialised with random values in the range of [0:maxUint8].


first int
The first element.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether this collection has no elements.
no setterinherited
isNotEmpty bool
Whether this collection has at least one element.
no setterinherited
iterator Iterator<int>
Returns a new Iterator to walk through the items in the buffer.
no setteroverride
last int
The last element.
no setterinherited
length int
The number of items in the buffer.
no setteroverride
reader BufferReader
Creates a new BufferReader to traverse this buffer.
no setter
reversed Iterable<int>
Returns an Iterable to walk through the items in reverse order.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
single int
Checks that this iterable has only one element, and returns that element.
no setterinherited
writer BufferWriter
Creates a new BufferWriter of size length.
no setter


any(bool test(int element)) bool
Checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies test.
asByteData([int offset = 0, int? length]) ByteData
Creates a ByteData view over a region of the buffer.
asUint8List() Uint8List
Creates a Uint8List view over the buffer.
cast<R>() Iterable<R>
A view of this iterable as an iterable of R instances.
contains(Object? element) bool
Whether the collection contains an element equal to element.
copy(Buffer dst, [int dstOffset = 0, int offset = 0, int? length]) → void
Copies items from this buffer to the destination (dst) buffer.
elementAt(int index) int
Returns the indexth element.
every(bool test(int element)) bool
Checks whether every element of this iterable satisfies test.
expand<T>(Iterable<T> toElements(int element)) Iterable<T>
Expands each element of this Iterable into zero or more elements.
firstWhere(bool test(int element), {int orElse()?}) int
The first element that satisfies the given predicate test.
fold<T>(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, int element)) → T
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value
followedBy(Iterable<int> other) Iterable<int>
Creates the lazy concatenation of this iterable and other.
forEach(void action(int element)) → void
Invokes action on each element of this iterable in iteration order.
getAll(int offset) Iterable<int>
Reads the buffer starting at offset into a byte array.
getBigInt(int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) BigInt
Reads a region of the buffer as a signed big integer.
getBigUint(int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) BigInt
Reads a region of the buffer as an unsigned big integer.
getBool(int offset) bool
Reads 1-byte as a boolean.
getDateTime(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) DateTime
Reads an i64 from the buffer as an epoch timestamp.
getFloat32(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) double
Reads 4-bytes as a floating point value.
getFloat64(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) double
Reads 8-bytes as a double precision floating point value.
getInt(int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads a region of the buffer as a signed integer.
getInt128(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) BigInt
Reads 16-bytes as a signed integer.
getInt16(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads 2-bytes as a signed integer.
getInt32(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads 4-bytes as a signed integer.
getInt64(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads 8-bytes as a signed integer.
getInt8(int offset) int
Reads 1-byte as a signed integer.
getString(BufferEncoding encoding, [int offset = 0, int? length]) String
Reads a region of the buffer as an encoded string.
getUint(int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads a region of the buffer as an unsigned integer.
getUint128(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) BigInt
Reads 16-bytes as an unsigned integer.
getUint16(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads 2-bytes as an unsigned integer.
getUint32(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Reads 4-bytes as an unsigned integer.
getUint64(int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) BigInt
Reads 8-bytes as an unsigned integer.
getUint8(int offset) int
Reads 1-byte as an unsigned integer.
join([String separator = ""]) String
Converts each element to a String and concatenates the strings.
lastWhere(bool test(int element), {int orElse()?}) int
The last element that satisfies the given predicate test.
map<T>(T toElement(int e)) Iterable<T>
The current elements of this iterable modified by toElement.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reduce(int combine(int value, int element)) int
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements of the collection using the provided function.
setAll(int offset, Iterable<int> bytes) → void
Writes a byte array to a region of the buffer starting at offset.
setBigInt(BigInt value, int offset, [int? length, Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Writes a big signed integer to a region of the buffer.
setBigUint(BigInt value, int offset, [int? length, Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Writes a big unsigned integer to a region of the buffer.
setBool(bool value, int offset) int
Writes a boolean value to 1-byte.
setDateTime(DateTime value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a DateTime to the buffer as an i64.
setFloat32(double value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a floating point value to 4-bytes.
setFloat64(double value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a double precision floating point value to 8-bytes.
setInt(int value, int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Writes a signed integer to a region of the buffer.
setInt128(BigInt value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a signed integer to 16-bytes.
setInt16(int value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a signed integer to 2-bytes.
setInt32(int value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a signed integer to 4-bytes.
setInt64(int value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes a signed integer to 8-bytes.
setInt8(int value, int offset) → void
Writes a signed integer to 1-byte.
setString(String value, BufferEncoding encoding, [int offset = 0, int? length]) int
Writes an `encoded value to a region of the buffer.
setUint(int value, int offset, int length, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) int
Writes an unsigned integer to a region of the buffer.
setUint128(BigInt value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes an unsigned integer to 16-bytes.
setUint16(int value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes an unsigned integer to 2-bytes.
setUint32(int value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes an unsigned integer to 4-bytes.
setUint64(BigInt value, int offset, [Endian endian = Endian.little]) → void
Writes an unsigned integer to 8-bytes.
setUint8(int value, int offset) → void
Writes an unsigned integer to 1-byte.
singleWhere(bool test(int element), {int orElse()?}) int
The single element that satisfies test.
skip(int count) Iterable<int>
Creates an Iterable that provides all but the first count elements.
skipWhile(bool test(int value)) Iterable<int>
Creates an Iterable that skips leading elements while test is satisfied.
slice([int offset = 0, int? length]) Buffer
Creates a new Buffer from a region of this buffer.
take(int count) Iterable<int>
Creates a lazy iterable of the count first elements of this iterable.
takeWhile(bool test(int value)) Iterable<int>
Creates a lazy iterable of the leading elements satisfying test.
toList({bool growable = true}) List<int>
Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable.
toSet() Set<int>
Creates a Set containing the same elements as this iterable.
toString() String
Returns a string representation of (some of) the elements of this.
where(bool test(int element)) Iterable<int>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that satisfy the predicate test.
whereType<T>() Iterable<T>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that have type T.


operator +(Iterable<int> other) Buffer
Creates a new Buffer by concatenating this and [other].
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int index) int
Returns the byte at index.
operator []=(int index, int value) → void
Sets the byte value at index.