withSpring top-level constant

CallWith Function(double toValue, {double? damping, int? delay, int? duration, double? mass, void onComplete()?, double? stiffness, double? velocity}) const withSpring

Starts a spring stimulation on the Tweenable to the toValue


  Tweenable x = withSpring(toValue, {
   double  damping,
   double  stiffness,
   double  mass,
   double  velocity,
   int?  delay,
   void  Function()?  onComplete // callback after the animation is complete,


//     int  duration // duration the animation will run,
///     double  damping,
///     double  stiffness,
///     double  mass,
///     double  velocity,
///     int?  delay,
///     void  Function()?  onComplete // callback after the animation is complete,
///     })
/// ```
const withSpring = _AnimationFunctions._withSpring;