remaths library


Creates an Tweenable value which can be animated with helper functions like withTiming, withSpring, withSequence ...




mergeTweenables → const Listenable Function(List<_InternalShared> values)
Merge List of Tweenables into one Listenable that can be used as AnimatedWidget animation
runAllWithSpring → const dynamic Function(List<_InternalShared> tweenables, List<double> destinations, {double? damping, int? delay, int? duration, double? mass, void onComplete()?, double? stiffness, double? velocity})
Starts all the Tweenable with the withSpring animation to the corresponding destinations.
runAllWithTiming → const dynamic Function(List<_InternalShared> tweenable, List<double> destinations, {Curve? curve, int? delay, int? duration, void onComplete()?})
Starts all the Tweenable with the withTiming animation to the corresponding destinations.
withSpring → const CallWith Function(double toValue, {double? damping, int? delay, int? duration, double? mass, void onComplete()?, double? stiffness, double? velocity})
Starts a spring stimulation on the Tweenable to the toValue
withTiming → const CallWith Function(double toValue, {Curve? curve, int? delay, int? duration, void onComplete()?})
Starts a Curve animation on the Tweenable to the toValue


abs num Function(dynamic a)
returns the absolute value
getter/setter pair
add double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
Takes two values, and when evaluated, returns their sum.
getter/setter pair
asin double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.asin
getter/setter pair
atan double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.atan
getter/setter pair
call ↔ T Function<T>(T func())
getter/setter pair
ceil int Function(dynamic a)
The same function as num.ceil
getter/setter pair
cond ↔ dynamic Function(bool condition, dynamic ifBlock, [dynamic elseBlock])
If conditionNode evaluates to "truthy" value the node evaluates ifBlock node and returns its value, otherwise it evaluates elseBlock and returns its value. elseBlock is optional.
getter/setter pair
decimalRound double Function(dynamic a, dynamic dec)
getter/setter pair
defined bool Function(dynamic a)
Returns true if the given node evaluates to a "defined" value (that is to something that is non-null, non-undefined and non-NaN). Returns false otherwise
getter/setter pair
diff double Function(_InternalShared tweenable, [double initial = 0.0])
Evaluates Tweenable and returns a difference between value returned at the last time it was evaluated and its value at the current time.
getter/setter pair
divide double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
Takes two values, and when evaluated, returns the result of dividing their values in the exact order.
getter/setter pair
eq bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
checks if the two values are equal ==
getter/setter pair
exp double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.exp
getter/setter pair
floor int Function(dynamic a)
The same function as num.floor
getter/setter pair
greaterOrEq bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
greater than or equal to >= comparison
getter/setter pair
greaterThan bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
greater than > comparison
getter/setter pair
lessOrEq bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
less than or equal to <= comparison
getter/setter pair
lessThan bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
less than < comparison
getter/setter pair
log double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.log
getter/setter pair
max ↔ T Function<T extends num>(T a, T b)
returns the maximum value
getter/setter pair
min ↔ dynamic Function<T extends num>(T a, T b)
returns the minimum value
getter/setter pair
modulo double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
Remainder after division of the first argument by the second one. modulo(a,0) will throw an error.
getter/setter pair
multiply double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
getter/setter pair
neq bool Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
checks if the two values are not equal !=
getter/setter pair
or bool Function(bool a, bool b)
getter/setter pair
pow double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
Takes two or more values, and when evaluated, returns the result of first node to the second node power.
getter/setter pair
random double Function([int start = 0, int end = 1, int decimal = 1])
getter/setter pair
range List<int> Function(int stop, {int start = 0, int step = 1})
getter/setter pair
round int Function(dynamic a)
The same function as num.round
getter/setter pair
sin double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.sin
getter/setter pair
sqrt double Function(dynamic a)
returns the square root of the number
getter/setter pair
sub double Function(dynamic a, dynamic b)
Takes two values, and when evaluated, returns the result of subtracting their values
getter/setter pair
tan double Function(dynamic a)
The same function as math.tan
getter/setter pair
toDeg double Function(dynamic a)
convert a in Radian to Degrees
getter/setter pair
toRad double Function(dynamic a)
convert a in Degrees to Radian
getter/setter pair
truthy bool Function(dynamic val)
the if the value is valid
getter/setter pair


interpolate<T, U>(T value, List<T> inputRange, List<U> outputRange, [Extrapolate extrapolate = Extrapolate.EXTEND, Extrapolate? right]) → U
withSequence(List animations) CallWith
Starts the provided animations sequentially, i.e The next animation starts immediately after the other stops. This animations can be withTiming, withSpring, or a double. if a double is provided, there is no animation in the values the value just jumps to the position.


CallWith = void Function(_InternalShared node)
Name = Map Function(dynamic params)
OnSized = void Function(Measurement measurement)