offAll abstract method

Future<T?>? offAll(
  1. Widget page(), {
  2. bool predicate(
    1. GetPage route
  3. bool opaque = true,
  4. bool? popGesture,
  5. String? id,
  6. String? routeName,
  7. Object? arguments,
  8. List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[],
  9. bool fullscreenDialog = false,
  10. Transition? transition,
  11. Curve? curve,
  12. Duration? duration,
  13. bool showCupertinoParallax = true,
  14. double gestureWidth(
    1. BuildContext context

Navigates off all pages and returns a result of type T.


Future<T?>? offAll(
  Widget Function() page, {
  bool Function(GetPage route)? predicate,
  bool opaque = true,
  bool? popGesture,
  String? id,
  String? routeName,
  Object? arguments,
  List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[],
  bool fullscreenDialog = false,
  Transition? transition,
  Curve? curve,
  Duration? duration,
  bool showCupertinoParallax = true,
  double Function(BuildContext context)? gestureWidth,