IGetNavigation<T> mixin

A mixin for navigation functionality.

Mixin applications


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


back([T? result]) → void
Navigates back in the navigation stack.
backAndtoNamed(String page, {T? result, Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Navigates back to a named page with an optional result and arguments.
backUntil(bool predicate(GetPage)) → void
Navigates back until a certain condition is met.
goToUnknownPage([bool clearPages = true]) → void
Navigates to an unknown page.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
off(Widget page(), {bool? opaque, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Duration? duration, String? id, String? routeName, bool fullscreenDialog = false, Object? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool preventDuplicates = true, bool? popGesture, bool showCupertinoParallax = true, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?}) Future<T?>
Navigates off the current page and returns a result of type T.
offAll(Widget page(), {bool predicate(GetPage route)?, bool opaque = true, bool? popGesture, String? id, String? routeName, Object? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool fullscreenDialog = false, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Duration? duration, bool showCupertinoParallax = true, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?}) Future<T?>?
Navigates off all pages and returns a result of type T.
offAllNamed(String newRouteName, {Object? arguments, String? id, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigates off all named pages and returns a result of type T.
offNamed(String page, {Object? arguments, String? id, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>
Navigates off a named page and returns a result of type T.
offNamedUntil(String page, {bool predicate(GetPage route)?, Object? arguments, String? id, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigates off a named page until a certain condition is met and returns a result of type T.
offUntil(Widget page(), bool predicate(GetPage), [Object? arguments]) Future<T?>
Navigates off a page until a certain condition is met, returns a result of type T.
popModeUntil(String fullRoute, {PopMode popMode = PopMode.history}) Future<void>
Pops the navigation stack until the specified fullRoute.
removeRoute(String name) → void
Removes a route from the navigation stack.
to(Widget page(), {bool? opaque, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Duration? duration, String? id, String? routeName, bool fullscreenDialog = false, Object? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool preventDuplicates = true, bool? popGesture, bool showCupertinoParallax = true, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?}) Future<T?>
Navigates to a new page and returns a result of type T.
toNamed(String page, {Object? arguments, String? id, bool preventDuplicates = true, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>
Navigates to a named page and returns a result of type T.
toNamedAndOffUntil(String page, bool predicate(GetPage), [Object? data]) Future<T?>
Navigates to a named page and pops pages until a certain condition is met, returns a result of type T.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.