r89_sdk library
- AdScreenConfig
- This class defines the "Single Tag" manual configuration for the screen.
- AdSize
- Represents ad size and used in ConfigBuilder.
- BannerEventListener
- Banner life cycle goes as follows:
- BasicAdEventListener
- Base event listener for all format specific event listeners.
- CloseAdEventListener
- This is created because there are some formats that are don't open or close any Intent.
- ConfigBuilder
- This class holds the constants for test configurations.
- InfiniteScrollEventListener
- Infinite Scroll life cycle goes as follows:
- InitializationEvents
- An interface that exposes SDK's initialization phases. Below is the order of methods that are called during the initialization process. onStartedInitialization This method called at the beginning of initialization. onStartedDataFetch This method get called when SDK started to fetch data in accordance of provided initialization configs, calls onDataFetchSuccess or onDataFetchFailed next. onStartedCMP This method get called when the CMP phase is started, however does not necessary means that CMP screen is displayed to user, it can be skipped if CMP is accepted previously, eventually the onCmpFinished will be called next. onInitializationFinished This method is called after successfully initialization of the SDK.
- InterstitialEventListener
- Interstitial life cycle goes as follows:
- OpenAdEventListener
- This is created because there are some formats that don't open or close any Intent.
- R89Banner
- A wrapper widget on RefineryAdFactory.createBanner to create banner ads with format AdFormat.banner.
- R89InfiniteScrollAd
- A wrapper widget on RefineryAdFactory.getInfiniteScrollAdForIndex to create a scroll item ads with format AdFormat.infiniteScroll.
- R89OutStream
- A wrapper widget on RefineryAdFactory.createVideoOutStreamBanner to create banner ads with format AdFormat.videoOutStreamBanner.
- R89SDK
- This class is an entry point to the RF89 SDK.
- R89Tag
- This widget places the advertisement by using the provided tag and route name according to predefined advertisement configurations for a screen and a tag.
- SingleTagConfig
- This class is an entry point to start the manual configuration of the tags.
- AdFormat
- Banner format
- LogLevel
- This enum exposes available log levels for the SDK.
- WrapperPosition
- AdFailedToLoadCallback = void Function(String message)
- AdItemCallback = void Function(int itemIdInData)
- AdItemCreatedCallback = void Function(int adapterId, double probability)
- AdItemFailedToLoadCallback = void Function(int itemIdInData, String message)
- AdLayoutChangeCallback = void Function(int width, int height)
- AdVoidCallback = void Function()
- InitializationVoidCallback = void Function()