AsyncGlobalActionWithResult<R> class abstract Redux

An asynchronous global action with a result.



debugLabel String
The debug label of the action. Override this getter to provide a custom label.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
notifier GlobalRedux
Access the notifier to access other notifiers.
no setterinherited
notifierType Type
no setterinherited
ref Ref
Access the Ref.
no setter
refenaId int
The id.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
state → void
Returns the current state of the notifier.
no setterinherited
trackOrigin bool
Whether the ActionDispatchedEvent should have the ActionDispatchedEvent.debugOriginRef of the origin of the action. This is true by default for better visualization in the tracing page.
no setterinherited


after() → void
Override this to have some logic after the action is dispatched. This method is called even if before or reduce throws.
before() Future<void>
See BaseReduxAction.before for documentation.
compareIdentity(IdReference other) bool
Returns true, if the other reference has the same id.
dispatch(SynchronousReduxAction<GlobalRedux, void, dynamic> action, {String? debugOrigin}) → void
Dispatches a synchronous action and updates the state. Returns the new state.
dispatchAsync(AsynchronousReduxAction<GlobalRedux, void, dynamic> action, {String? debugOrigin}) Future<void>
Dispatches an asynchronous action and updates the state. Returns the new state.
dispatchAsyncTakeResult<R2>(BaseAsyncReduxActionWithResult<GlobalRedux, void, R2> action, {String? debugOrigin}) Future<R2>
Dispatches an asynchronous action and updates the state. Returns only the result of the action.
dispatchAsyncWithResult<R2>(BaseAsyncReduxActionWithResult<GlobalRedux, void, R2> action, {String? debugOrigin}) Future<(void, R2)>
Dispatches an asynchronous action and updates the state. Returns the new state along with the result of the action.
dispatchTakeResult<R2>(BaseReduxActionWithResult<GlobalRedux, void, R2> action, {String? debugOrigin}) → R2
Dispatches an action and updates the state. Returns only the result of the action.
dispatchWithResult<R2>(BaseReduxActionWithResult<GlobalRedux, void, R2> action, {String? debugOrigin}) → (void, R2)
Dispatches an action and updates the state. Returns the new state along with the result of the action.
emitMessage(String message) → void
Emits a message to the observer.
external<T2>(ReduxNotifier<T2> notifier) Dispatcher<ReduxNotifier<T2>, T2>
Use this method to dispatch external actions within an action. This ensures that the dispatched action has the correct debugOrigin.
internalWrapReduce() Future<(void, R)>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reduce() Future<R>
The method that returns the result.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
wrapReduce() Future<R>
Override this to have some logic before and after the reduce method. Specifically, this method is called after before and before after: before -> wrapReduce -> after


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.