Throttle function

Fork Throttle(
  1. Function saga, {
  2. List? args,
  3. Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
  4. Function? Catch,
  5. Function? Finally,
  6. Channel? channel,
  7. dynamic pattern,
  8. Duration? duration,
  9. bool detached = false,
  10. String? name,
  11. Result? result,

Spawns a saga on an action dispatched to the Store or the channel provided that matches pattern. After spawning a task it's still accepting incoming actions into the underlying buffer, keeping at most 1 (the most recent one), but in the same time holding up with spawning new task for duration (hence its name - Throttle). Purpose of this is to ignore incoming actions for a given period of time while processing a task.

  • duration is length of a time window during which actions will be ignored after the action starts processing.

  • pattern is used to filter actions. Only matching actions will be processed. See docs for Take.

  • saga is a Generator function.

  • args and namedArgs are arguments to be passed to the started task. Throttle will add the incoming action to the argument list (i.e. the action will be a named {dynamic action} argument provided to saga)

  • If a channel is provided then actions will be put from provided channel.

  • Catch will be invoked for uncaught errors.

  • Finally will be invoked in any case before task execution is end.

  • If detached is false Throttle will return a forked task, otherwise it will return a spawned task. By default detached is false.

  • name is an optional name for the task meta.


In the following example, we create a basic task fetchAutocomplete. We use Throttle to start a new fetchAutocomplete task on dispatched FetchedAutocomplete action. However since Throttle ignores consecutive FetchedAutocomplete for some time, we ensure that user won't flood our server with requests.

 import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
 import 'Api.dart';


 fetchAutocomplete({dynamic action}) sync* {
   var autocompleteProposals = Result();
   yield Call(Api.fetchAutocomplete, args: [action.text]);
   yield Put(FetchedAutocompleteProposals(proposals: autocompleteProposals));

 throttleAutocomplete() sync* {
   yield Throttle(
     duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
     pattern: FetchedAutocomplete,

Note that, Throttle is a high-level API built using Take, Fork and ActionChannel.


Fork Throttle(Function saga,
    {List<dynamic>? args,
    Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
    Function? Catch,
    Function? Finally,
    Channel? channel,
    dynamic pattern,
    Duration? duration,
    bool detached = false,
    String? name,
    Result? result}) {
  return Fork(_Throttle,
      args: <dynamic>[saga],
      namedArgs: <Symbol, dynamic>{
        #args: args,
        #namedArgs: namedArgs,
        #Catch: Catch,
        #Finally: Finally,
        #channel: channel,
        #pattern: pattern,
        #duration: duration,
        #name: name
      detached: detached,
      result: result);