Debounce function

Fork Debounce(
  1. Function saga, {
  2. List? args,
  3. Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
  4. Function? Catch,
  5. Function? Finally,
  6. Channel? channel,
  7. dynamic pattern,
  8. Duration? duration,
  9. bool detached = false,
  10. String? name,
  11. Result? result,

Spawns a saga on an action dispatched to the Store or the channel provided that matches pattern. Saga will be called after it stops taking pattern actions for duration. Purpose of this is to prevent calling saga until the actions are settled off.

  • duration defines how much delay should elapse since the last time pattern action was fired to call the saga

  • pattern is used to filter actions. Only matching actions will be processed. See docs for Take.

  • saga is a Generator function.

  • args and namedArgs are arguments to be passed to the started task. Debounce will add the incoming action to the argument list (i.e. the action will be a named {dynamic action} argument provided to saga)

  • If a channel is provided then actions will be put from provided channel.

  • Catch will be invoked for uncaught errors.

  • Finally will be invoked in any case before task execution is end.

  • If detached is false Debounce will return a forked task, otherwise it will return a spawned task. By default detached is false.

  • name is an optional name for the task meta.


In the following example, we create a basic task fetchAutocomplete. We use debounce to delay calling fetchAutocomplete saga until we stop receive any FetchedAutocomplete events for at least 1000 ms.

 import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
 import 'Api.dart';


 fetchAutocomplete({dynamic action}) sync* {
   var autocompleteProposals = Result();
   yield Call(Api.fetchAutocomplete, args: [action.text]);
   yield Put(FetchedAutocompleteProposals(proposals: autocompleteProposals));

 debounceAutocomplete() sync* {
   yield Debounce(
     duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
     pattern: FetchedAutocomplete,

Note that, debounce is a high-level API built using Take, Delay, Race and Fork.


Fork Debounce(Function saga,
    {List<dynamic>? args,
    Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
    Function? Catch,
    Function? Finally,
    Channel? channel,
    dynamic pattern,
    Duration? duration,
    bool detached = false,
    String? name,
    Result? result}) {
  return Fork(_Debounce,
      args: <dynamic>[saga],
      namedArgs: <Symbol, dynamic>{
        #args: args,
        #namedArgs: namedArgs,
        #Catch: Catch,
        #Finally: Finally,
        #channel: channel,
        #pattern: pattern,
        #duration: duration,
        #name: name
      detached: detached,
      result: result);