realtime_client library


convertCell(String type, dynamic value) → dynamic
If the value of the cell is null, returns null. Otherwise converts the string value to the correct type.
convertChangeData(List<Map<String, dynamic>> columns, Map<String, dynamic> record, {List<String>? skipTypes}) Map<String, dynamic>
Takes an array of columns and an object of string values then converts each string value to its mapped type.
convertColumn(String columnName, List<PostgresColumn> columns, Map<String, dynamic> record, List<String> skipTypes) → dynamic
Converts the value of an individual column.
noop(dynamic value) → dynamic
toArray(dynamic value, String type) → dynamic
Converts a Postgres Array into a native Dart array
toBoolean(dynamic value) bool?
toDouble(dynamic value) double?
toInt(dynamic value) int?
toJson(dynamic value) → dynamic
toTimestampString(String? value) String?
Fixes timestamp to be ISO-8601. Swaps the space between the date and time for a 'T' See