FlutterStringExtensions extension
- on
- isTimeOfDay → bool
Available on String?, provided by the FlutterStringExtensions extension
check the string can be timeousDayno setter
) → TimeOfDay -
Available on String?, provided by the FlutterStringExtensions extension
convert ISO_8601 duration to dart duration copied from iso_duration_parser package -
{TextAlign? textAlign, TextStyle? style, StrutStyle? strutStyle, TextDirection? textDirection, Locale? locale, bool? softWrap, TextOverflow? overflow, double? textScaleFactor, int? maxLines, String? semanticsLabel, TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis, TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior}) → Text -
Available on String?, provided by the FlutterStringExtensions extension
converts string to text widget -
) → TimeOfDay? -
Available on String?, provided by the FlutterStringExtensions extension
will parse string to time of days example 19:16 or 07:18 pm