replaceAllMapped method
Replace all substrings that match from
by a computed string.
Creates a new string in which the non-overlapping substrings that match
(the ones iterated by from.allMatches(thisString)
) are replaced
by the result of calling replace
on the corresponding Match object.
This can be used to replace matches with new content that depends on the match, unlike replaceAll where the replacement string is always the same.
The replace
function is called with the Match generated
by the pattern, and its result is used as replacement.
The function defined below converts each word in a string to simplified 'pig latin' using replaceAllMapped:
String pigLatin(String words) => words.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'\b(\w*?)([aeiou]\w*)', caseSensitive: false),
(Match m) => "${m[2]}${m[1]}${m[1]!.isEmpty ? 'way' : 'ay'}");
final result = pigLatin('I have a secret now!');
print(result); // 'Iway avehay away ecretsay ownay!'
String replaceAllMapped(Pattern from, String Function(Match match) replace) =>
value.replaceAllMapped(from, replace);