ObjSetNullExt<E> extension



iterator Iterator<E>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

An iterator that iterates over the elements of this set.
no setter


add(E valueToAdd) bool?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Adds value to the set.
addAll(Iterable<E> elements) → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Adds all elements to this set.
cast<R>() Set<R>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Provides a view of this set as a set of R instances.
clear() → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes all elements from the set.
contains(Object? valueToEvaluate) bool?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Whether value is in the set.
containsAll(Iterable<Object?> other) bool?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Whether this set contains all the elements of other.
difference(Set<Object?> other) Set<E>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Creates a new set with the elements of this that are not in other.
intersection(Set<Object?> other) Set<E>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Creates a new set which is the intersection between this set and other.
lookup(Object? object) → E?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

If an object equal to object is in the set, return it.
remove(Object? valueToRemove) bool?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes value from the set.
removeAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes each element of elements from this set.
removeWhere(bool test(E element)) → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes all elements of this set that satisfy test.
retainAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes all elements of this set that are not elements in elements.
retainWhere(bool test(E element)) → void

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Removes all elements of this set that fail to satisfy test.
toSet() Set<E>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Creates a Set with the same elements and behavior as this Set.
union(Set<E> other) Set<E>?

Available on Obj<Set<E>?>, provided by the ObjSetNullExt extension

Creates a new set which contains all the elements of this set and other.