ObjListNullExt<E> extension
- first ← E
Available on Obj<
The first element of the list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>no getter - last ← E
Available on Obj<
The last element of the list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>no getter - length ↔ int
Available on Obj<
The number of objects in this list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>getter/setter pair -
→ Iterable<
E> ? -
Available on Obj<
An Iterable of the objects in this list in reverse order.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>no setter
E valueToAdd) → void -
Available on Obj<
Adds value to the end of this list, extending the length by one.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
Iterable< E> iterable) → void -
Available on Obj<
Appends all objects ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>iterable
to the end of this list. -
) → Map< int, E> ? -
Available on Obj<
An unmodifiable Map view of this list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
R> () → List< R> ? -
Available on Obj<
Returns a view of this list as a list ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>R
instances. -
) → void -
Available on Obj<
Removes all objects from this list; the length of the list becomes zero.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
int start, int end, [E? fillValue]) → void -
Available on Obj<
Overwrites a range of elements withList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>fillValue
. -
int start, int end) → Iterable< E> ? -
Available on Obj<
Creates an Iterable that iterates over a range of elements.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
E element, [int start = 0]) → int? -
Available on Obj<
The first index ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>element
in this list. -
bool test(E element), [int start = 0]) → int? -
Available on Obj<
The first index in the list that satisfies the providedList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>test
. -
int index, E element) → void -
Available on Obj<
InsertsList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>element
at positionindex
in this list. -
int index, Iterable< E> iterable) → void -
Available on Obj<
Inserts all objects ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>iterable
at positionindex
in this list. -
E element, [int? start]) → int? -
Available on Obj<
The last index ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>element
in this list. -
bool test(E element), [int? start]) → int? -
Available on Obj<
The last index in the list that satisfies the providedList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>test
. -
Object? valueToRemove) → bool? -
Available on Obj<
Removes the first occurrence of value from this list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
int index) → E? -
Available on Obj<
Removes the object at positionList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>index
from this list. -
) → E? -
Available on Obj<
Removes and returns the last object in this list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
int start, int end) → void -
Available on Obj<
Removes a range of elements from the list.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
bool test(E element)) → void -
Available on Obj<
Removes all objects from this list that satisfyList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>test
. -
int start, int end, Iterable< E> replacements) → void -
Available on Obj<
Replaces a range of elements with the elements ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>replacements
. -
bool test(E element)) → void -
Available on Obj<
Removes all objects from this list that fail to satisfyList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>test
. -
int index, Iterable< E> iterable) → void -
Available on Obj<
Overwrites elements with the objects ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>iterable
. -
int start, int end, Iterable< E> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) → void -
Available on Obj<
Writes some elements ofList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>iterable
into a range of this list. -
[Random? random]) → void -
Available on Obj<
Shuffles the elements of this list randomly.List< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?> -
[int compare(E a, E b)?]) → void -
Available on Obj<
Sorts this list according to the order specified by theList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>compare
function. -
int start, [int? end]) → List< E> ? -
Available on Obj<
Returns a new list containing the elements betweenList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>start
operator [](
int index) → E? -
Available on Obj<
The object at the givenList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>index
in the list. -
operator []=(
int index, E valueToSet) → void -
Available on Obj<
Sets the value at the givenList< , provided by the ObjListNullExt extensionE> ?>index
in the list to value.