ObjBigIntNullExt extension



bitLength int?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the minimum number of bits required to store this big integer.
no setter
isEven bool?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Whether this big integer is even.
no setter
isNegative bool?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Whether this number is negative.
no setter
isOdd bool?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Whether this big integer is odd.
no setter
isValidInt bool?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Whether this big integer can be represented as an int without losing precision.
no setter
sign int?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the sign of this big integer.
no setter


abs() BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the absolute value of this integer.
compareTo(BigInt other) int?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Compares this to other.
gcd(BigInt other) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the greatest common divisor of this big integer and other.
modInverse(BigInt modulus) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this big integer modulo modulus.
modPow(BigInt exponent, BigInt modulus) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns this integer to the power of exponent modulo modulus.
pow(int exponent) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns this to the power of exponent.
remainder(BigInt other) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the remainder of the truncating division of this by other.
toDouble() double?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns this BigInt as a double.
toInt() int?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns this BigInt as an int.
toRadixString(int radix) String?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Converts this to a string representation in the given radix.
toSigned(int width) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the least significant width bits of this integer, extending the highest retained bit to the sign. This is the same as truncating the value to fit in width bits using an signed 2-s complement representation. The returned value has the same bit value in all positions higher than width.
toUnsigned(int width) BigInt?

Available on Obj<BigInt?>, provided by the ObjBigIntNullExt extension

Returns the least significant width bits of this big integer as a non-negative number (i.e. unsigned representation). The returned value has zeros in all bit positions higher than width.