reactive_dropdown_button2 library


A class to configure the theme of the button.
A Material Design button for selecting from a list of items.
A FormField that contains a DropdownButton2.
Represents an item in a dropdown menu created by a DropdownButton2.
A class to configure searchable dropdowns.
Represents a separator widget in a dropdown menu created by a DropdownButton2.
A class to configure the theme of the dropdown menu.
A class to configure the theme of the button's icon.
A class to configure the theme of the dropdown menu items.
ReactiveDropdownButton2<T, V>
A ReactiveDropdownButton2 that contains a DropdownButton2.


The direction of the dropdown menu in relation to the button.


ExtendedIterable on Iterable<E>


addSeparatorsHeights({required List<double> itemHeights, required double? separatorHeight}) List<double>
Adds separators to a list of heights.


OnMenuStateChangeFn = void Function(bool isOpen)
Signature for the callback that's called when when the dropdown menu opens or closes.
SearchMatchFn<T> = bool Function(DropdownItem<T> item, String searchValue)
Signature for the callback for the match function used for searchable dropdowns.
SelectedMenuItemBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
A builder to customize the selected menu item.