dom/async library Dom


waitFor<T>(FutureOr<T> expectation(), {Node? container, Duration? timeout, Duration interval = defaultAsyncCallbackCheckInterval, QueryTimeoutFn? onTimeout, MutationObserverOptions mutationObserverOptions = defaultMutationObserverOptions}) Future<T> Async
Calls the provided expectation on a given interval and/or when the container DOM changes, completing only if it does not throw, or by throwing if the timeout expires before the expectation succeeds.
waitForElementsToBeRemoved(List<Node> callback(), {Node? container, Duration? timeout, Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 50), QueryTimeoutFn? onTimeout, MutationObserverOptions mutationObserverOptions = defaultMutationObserverOptions}) Future<void> Async
Waits for the removal of all the elements returned from the callback to be removed from the DOM.
waitForElementToBeRemoved(Node callback(), {Node? container, Duration? timeout, Duration interval = const Duration(milliseconds: 50), QueryTimeoutFn? onTimeout, MutationObserverOptions mutationObserverOptions = defaultMutationObserverOptions}) Future<void> Async
Waits for the removal of the single element returned from the callback to be removed from the DOM.