getGames static method

Future<List<Game>> getGames({
  1. int page = 1,
  2. Ordering? order,
  3. String? query,
  4. String? platforms,
  5. String? genres,

Get a list of Game params: page, ordering, query, platforms, genres You can sort the results by the enum Ordering For the platforms and genres you can use the ID or SLUG separated by ',' for the search Rawg.getGames(platforms: "1,2,3") or Rawg.getGames(platforms: "pc") return an empty list if the page does not exist


static Future<List<Game>> getGames(
    {int page = 1,
    Ordering? order,
    String? query,
    String? platforms,
    String? genres}) async {
  return, order, query, platforms, genres);