radix_colors library

A gorgeous, accessible color system

An open-source color system for designing beautiful, accessible websites and apps.

Accessibility made easy

Each step is designed for a specific use case, with multiple combinations guaranteed to pass WCAG contrast ratio.

Automatic dark mode

Get the theme specific color by just by passing the BuildContext to RadixColorsDynamic.

Radix Colors provides 15 color scales, designed for white foreground text at step 9

There are 12 steps in each scale. Each step was designed for at least one specific use case.

1 = App background

2 = Subtle background

3 = UI element background

4 = Hovered UI element background

5 = Active / Selected UI element background

6 = Subtle borders and separators

7 = UI element border and focus rings

8 = Hovered UI element border

9 = Solid backgrounds

10 = Hovered solid backgrounds

11 = Low-contrast text

12 = High-contrast text