pub package npm package

Quran text (Arabic), audio URLs, and details of pages, juz, surah, ayah, place of revelation etc.

Getting Started

To use this plugin, add quran as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


  • basmala - The constant 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ'
  • sajdah - The constant 'سَجْدَةٌ'
  • totalJuzCount - The constant total juz count
  • totalMadaniSurahs - The constant total of madani surahs
  • totalMakkiSurahs - The constant total of makki surahs
  • totalPagesCount - The most standard and common copy of Arabic only Quran total pages count
  • totalSurahCount - The constant total surah count
  • totalVerseCount - The constant total verse count



  • getJuzNumber(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes surahNumber & verseNumber and returns Juz number
  • getSurahAndVersesFromJuz(int juzNumber) - Takes juzNumber and returns a map containing Surah and Verse numbers


  • getSurahName(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns the Surah name
  • getSurahNameArabic(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber returns the Surah name in Arabic
  • getSurahNameEnglish(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber returns the Surah name in English
  • getSurahNameTurkish(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber returns the Surah name in Turkish
  • getSurahNameFrench(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber returns the Surah name in French
  • getPlaceOfRevelation(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns the Place of Revelation (Makkah / Madinah) of that Surah
  • getVerseCount(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns the count of total Verses in that Surah


  • getVerse(int surahNumber, int verseNumber, {bool verseEndSymbol}) - Takes surahNumber, verseNumber & verseEndSymbol (optional) and returns the Verse in Arabic
  • getVerseEndSymbol(int verseNumber, {bool arabicNumeral}) - Takes verseNumber, arabicNumeral (optional) and returns '۝' symbol with verse number
  • isSajdahVerse(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes surahNumber, verseNumber and returns true if verse is sajdah verse
  • getVerseTranslation(int surahNumber, int verseNumber, {bool verseEndSymbol, Translation translation}) - Takes surahNumber, verseNumber, verseEndSymbol (optional) & translation (optional) and returns verse translation


  • getPageData(int pageNumber) - Takes pageNumber and returns a list containing Surahs and the starting and ending Verse numbers in that page
  • getPageNumber(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes surahNumber, verseNumber and returns the page number of the Quran
  • getSurahCountByPage(int pageNumber) - Takes pageNumber and returns total surahs count in that page
  • getSurahPages(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns the list of page numbers of that surah
  • getVerseCountByPage(int pageNumber) - Takes pageNumber and returns total verses count in that page
  • getVersesTextByPage(int pageNumber, {bool verseEndSymbol, SurahSeperator surahSeperator, customSurahSeperator}) - Takes pageNumber, verseEndSymbol, surahSeperator & customSurahSeperator and returns the list of verses in that page


  • getAudioURLBySurah(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns audio URL of that surah
  • getAudioURLByVerse(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes surahNumber & verseNumber and returns audio URL of that verse
  • getAudioURLByVerseNumber(int surahNumber) - Takes verseNumber and returns audio URL of that verse
  • getJuzURL(int juzNumber) - Takes juzNumber and returns Juz URL (from
  • getSurahURL(int surahNumber) - Takes surahNumber and returns Surah URL (from
  • getVerseURL(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes surahNumber & verseNumber and returns Verse URL (from


  • searchWords(List<String> words) - Takes a list of words words and returns a map containing no. of occurences and result of the word search in the arabic quran text
  • searchWordsInTranslation(List<String> words, {Translation translation}) - Takes a list of words words and translation (optional) and returns a map containing no. of occurences and result of the word search in the traslation


  • English (Saheeh International) - Translation.enSaheeh
  • French (Muhammad Hamidullah) - Translation.frHamidullah
  • Turkish - Translation.trSaheeh
  • Malayalam (Cheriyamundam Abdul Hameed and Kunhi Mohammed Parappoor) - Translation.mlAbdulHameed



import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:quran/quran.dart' as quran;

void main() {
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Quran Demo"),
      body: SafeArea(
        child: Padding(
          padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
          child: Column(
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
            children: [
              Text("Juz Number: \n" + quran.getJuzNumber(18, 1).toString()),
              Text("\nJuz URL: \n" + quran.getJuzURL(15)),
              Text("\nSurah and Verses in Juz 15: \n" + quran.getSurahAndVersesFromJuz(15).toString()),
              Text("\nSurah Name: \n" + quran.getSurahName(18)),
              Text("\nSurah Name (English): \n" + quran.getSurahNameEnglish(18)),
              Text("\nSurah URL: \n" + quran.getSurahURL(18)),
              Text("\nTotal Verses: \n" + quran.getVerseCount(18).toString()),
              Text("\nPlace of Revelation: \n" + quran.getPlaceOfRevelation(18)),
              Text("\nBasmala: \n" + quran.getBasmala()),
              Text("\nVerse 1: \n" + quran.getVerse(18, 1))


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:quran/quran.dart' as quran;

void main() {
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text(quran.getSurahName(18)),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Padding(
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
            child: ListView.builder(
              itemCount: quran.getVerseCount(18),
              itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                return ListTile(
                  title: Text(
                    quran.getVerse(18, index + 1, verseEndSymbol: true),
                    textAlign: TextAlign.right,