collection library

Collection classes and related utilities.


AVL implementation of a self-balancing binary tree. Optimized for lookup operations.
BiMap<K, V>
A bi-directional map whose key-value pairs form a one-to-one correspondence. BiMaps support an inverse property which gives access to an inverted view of the map, such that there is a mapping (v, k) for each pair (k, v) in the original map. Since a one-to-one key-value invariant applies, it is an error to insert duplicate values into this map.
An implementation of Iterable that delegates all methods to another Iterable. For instance you can create a FruitIterable like this :
An implementation of List that delegates all methods to another List. For instance you can create a FruitList like this :
DelegatingMap<K, V>
An implementation of Map that delegates all methods to another Map. For instance you can create a FruitMap like this :
An implementation of Queue that delegates all methods to another Queue. For instance you can create a FruitQueue like this :
An implementation of Set that delegates all methods to another Set. For instance you can create a FruitSet like this :
HashBiMap<K, V>
A hash-table based implementation of BiMap.
LinkedLruHashMap<K, V>
A linked hash-table based implementation of LruMap.
ListMultimap<K, V>
A multimap implementation that uses Lists to store the values associated with each key.
LruMap<K, V>
An implementation of a Map which has a maximum size and uses a Least Recently Used algorithm to remove items from the Map when the maximumSize is reached and new items are added.
Multimap<K, V>
An associative container that maps a key to multiple values.
SetMultimap<K, V>
A multimap implementation that uses Sets to store the values associated with each key.
A Set of items stored in a binary tree according to comparator. Supports bidirectional iteration.


Controls the results for TreeSet.searchNearest


indexOf<T>(Iterable<T> elements, bool predicate(T element)) int
Returns the index of the first item in elements where predicate evaluates to true.
listsEqual(List? a, List? b) bool
Checks Lists a and b for equality.
mapsEqual(Map? a, Map? b) bool
Checks Maps a and b for equality.
setsEqual(Set? a, Set? b) bool
Checks Sets a and b for equality.