sortBy method

List<Map<T, T>> sortBy(
  1. String key, {
  2. bool isDesc = false,

The sortBy method sorts the list of maps by the given key.


list.sortBy("price") // create new list with ascending order by according to price


List<Map<T, T>> sortBy(String key, {bool isDesc = false}) {
  final List<Map<T, T>> maps = whereType<Map<T, T>>()
      .where((Map<T, T> element) => element.containsKey(key))
  try {
    maps.sort((Map<T, T> a, Map<T, T> b) {
      final T? aValue = a[key];
      final T? bValue = b[key];
      if (aValue is int && bValue is int) {
        return aValue.compareTo(bValue);
      throw ArgumentError('Values for key "$key" must be of type int');
  } on ArgumentError {
    // If an error is thrown, return an empty list
    return <Map<T, T>>[];
  return isDesc ? maps.reversed.toList() : maps;