getWeekName method

String getWeekName({
  1. bool isShort = false,

Extension method to get the name of a week from a given number.

Example usage:

1.getWeekName() => "Monday"
2.getWeekName(true) => "Tue"

@param isShort If true, returns the short form of the week name. Default is false. @return Returns the name of the week as a string. If the input number is not a valid week, returns "Invalid number of week".


String getWeekName({bool isShort = false}) {
  final Map<int, String> weekNames = <int, String>{
    1: isShort ? 'Mon' : 'Monday',
    2: isShort ? 'Tue' : 'Tuesday',
    3: isShort ? 'Wed' : 'Wednesday',
    4: isShort ? 'Thu' : 'Thursday',
    5: isShort ? 'Fri' : 'Friday',
    6: isShort ? 'Sat' : 'Saturday',
    7: isShort ? 'Sun' : 'Sunday',

  return weekNames[this] ?? 'Invalid number of week';