QuickbooksCustomer class
QuickbooksCustomer({String? id, String? syncToken, String? displayName, String? title, String? givenName, String? middleName, String? suffix, String? familyName, QuickbooksEmailAddress? primaryEmailAddr, String? resaleNum, String? secondaryTaxIdentifier, QuickbooksReferenceType? ARAccountRef, QuickbooksReferenceType? defaultTaxCodeRef, String? preferredDeliveryMethod, String? GSTIN, QuickbooksReferenceType? salesTermRef, String? customerTypeRef, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? fax, String? businessNumber, bool? billWithParent, QuickbooksReferenceType? currencyRef, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? mobile, bool? job, double? balanceWithJobs, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? primaryPhone, DateTime? openBalanceDate, bool? taxable, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? alternatePhone, Map<
String, dynamic> ? metaData, QuickbooksReferenceType? parentRef, String? notes, QuickbooksWebAddress? webAddr, bool? active, String? companyName, double? balance, QuickbooksPhysicalAddress? shipAddr, QuickbooksReferenceType? paymentMethodRef, bool? isProject, String? source, String? primaryTaxIdentifier, String? GSTRegistrationType, String? printOnCheckName, QuickbooksPhysicalAddress? billAddr, String? fullyQualifiedName, int? level, String? taxExemptionReasonId}) - QuickbooksCustomer.fromJson(String source)
String, dynamic> map) -
- active ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- alternatePhone ↔ QuickbooksPhoneNumber?
getter/setter pair
- ARAccountRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- balance ↔ double?
getter/setter pair
- balanceWithJobs ↔ double?
getter/setter pair
- billAddr ↔ QuickbooksPhysicalAddress?
getter/setter pair
- billWithParent ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- businessNumber ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- companyName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- currencyRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- customerTypeRef ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- defaultTaxCodeRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- displayName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- familyName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- fax ↔ QuickbooksPhoneNumber?
getter/setter pair
- fullyQualifiedName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- givenName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- GSTIN ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- GSTRegistrationType ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
- id ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- isProject ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- job ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- level ↔ int?
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
getter/setter pair
- middleName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- mobile ↔ QuickbooksPhoneNumber?
getter/setter pair
- notes ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- openBalanceDate ↔ DateTime?
getter/setter pair
- parentRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- paymentMethodRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- preferredDeliveryMethod ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- primaryEmailAddr ↔ QuickbooksEmailAddress?
getter/setter pair
- primaryPhone ↔ QuickbooksPhoneNumber?
getter/setter pair
- primaryTaxIdentifier ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- printOnCheckName ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- resaleNum ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- salesTermRef ↔ QuickbooksReferenceType?
getter/setter pair
- secondaryTaxIdentifier ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- shipAddr ↔ QuickbooksPhysicalAddress?
getter/setter pair
- source ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- suffix ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- syncToken ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- taxable ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- taxExemptionReasonId ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- title ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
- webAddr ↔ QuickbooksWebAddress?
getter/setter pair
{String? id, String? syncToken, String? displayName, String? title, String? givenName, String? middleName, String? suffix, String? familyName, QuickbooksEmailAddress? primaryEmailAddr, String? resaleNum, String? secondaryTaxIdentifier, QuickbooksReferenceType? ARAccountRef, QuickbooksReferenceType? defaultTaxCodeRef, String? preferredDeliveryMethod, String? GSTIN, QuickbooksReferenceType? salesTermRef, String? customerTypeRef, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? fax, String? businessNumber, bool? billWithParent, QuickbooksReferenceType? currencyRef, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? mobile, bool? job, double? balanceWithJobs, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? primaryPhone, DateTime? openBalanceDate, bool? taxable, QuickbooksPhoneNumber? alternatePhone, Map< String, dynamic> ? metaDate, QuickbooksReferenceType? parentRef, String? notes, QuickbooksWebAddress? webAddr, bool? active, String? companyName, double? balance, QuickbooksPhysicalAddress? shipAddr, QuickbooksReferenceType? paymentMethodRef, bool? isProject, String? source, String? primaryTaxIdentifier, String? GSTRegistrationType, String? printOnCheckName, QuickbooksPhysicalAddress? billAddr, String? fullyQualifiedName, int? level, String? taxExemptionReasonId}) → QuickbooksCustomer -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
{bool withId = true}) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
covariant QuickbooksCustomer other) → bool -
The equality operator.