
pub - v0.0.1 unit test - passing license - MIT

A customizable button widget for Flutter applications that allows you to easily create buttons with various attributes and behaviors.




To use this package, add quick_button as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  quick_button: ^1.0.0 # Use the latest version


Import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:quick_button/quick_button.dart';

You can then use the QuickButton widget to create buttons with different variations:

  labelText: 'Submit',
  onPressed: () {
    // Action to perform when the button is pressed

  icon: Icons.star,
  onPressed: () {
    // Action to perform when the button is pressed

  labelText: 'Start',
  prefixIcon: Icons.play_arrow,
  onPressed: () {
    // Action to perform when the button is pressed

  labelText: 'End',
  suffixIcon: Icons.stop,
  onPressed: () {
    // Action to perform when the button is pressed


  • labelText: The label text displayed on the button.
  • labelColor: The color of the label text.
  • labelSize: The font size of the label text.
  • labelWeight: The font weight of the label text.
  • labelSpacing: The spacing between characters in the label text.
  • icon: The icon placed within the button.
  • prefixIcon: The icon placed before the label text.
  • suffixIcon: The icon placed after the label text.
  • iconSize: The size of all icons. Default value is 15.0.
  • buttonWidth: The width of the button. Default value is 150.0.
  • buttonHeight: The height of the button.
  • borderRadius: The degree of the roundness for the corners of the button.
  • borderColor: The color of the border surrounding the button.
  • borderSize: The width of the border surrounding the button. Default value is 1.0.
  • backgroundColor: The background color of the button.
  • hoverIn: The color of the label text when the mouse moves within the widget.
  • backgroundHoverIn: The background color of button when the mouse moves within the widget.
  • hoverOut: The color of the label text when the mouse moves outside the widget.
  • backgroundHoverOut: The background color of button when the mouse moves outside the widget.
  • onPressed: Callback function to execute when the button is pressed.


All variations of the QuickButton widget require an onPressed callback function that gets triggered when the button is pressed.


This package is released under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to enhance this package, feel free to submit a pull request here.


A library that provides the QuickButton widget for creating customizable buttons.