ChargeDensity class

Electric charge per unit volume of space. See the Wikipedia entry for Charge density for more information.


Constructors{dynamic coulombsPerCubicMeter, double uncert = 0.0})
Constructs a ChargeDensity with coulombs per cubic meter. Optionally specify a relative standard uncertainty.
ChargeDensity.constant(Number valueSI, {ChargeDensityUnits? units, double uncert = 0.0})
Constructs a constant ChargeDensity.
ChargeDensity.inUnits(dynamic value, ChargeDensityUnits? units, [double uncert = 0.0])
Constructs a ChargeDensity based on the value and the conversion factor intrinsic to the passed units.
ChargeDensity.misc(dynamic conv)
Constructs an instance without preferred units.


arbitraryPrecision bool
Whether or not this Quantity is represented using arbitrary precision.
no setterinherited
cgs Number
Returns the value of this quantity in alternative CGS (or centimeter-gram-second) units. MKS (meter-kilogram-second) units are preferred.
no setterinherited
dimensions Dimensions
hashCode int
The hash code is based on the value and dimensions. Uncertainty and preferred units are not considered.
no setterinherited
isScalar bool
Whether or not this Quantity has scalar dimensions, including having no angle or solid angle dimensions.
no setterinherited
isScalarSI bool
Whether or not this Quantity has scalar dimensions in the strict International System of Units (SI) sense, which allows non-zero angle and solid angle dimensions.
no setterinherited
mks Number
Returns the value of this quantity in standard MKS (or meter-kilogram-second) units.
no setterinherited
preferredUnits Units?
Preferred units for display.
relativeUncertainty double
The relative standard uncertainty in this Quantity object's value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
standardUncertainty Quantity
Returns the standard uncertainty in this Quantity object's value as a typed Quantity object.
no setterinherited
valueSI Number
The value of the quantity in the base units, of the International System of Units (SI).


abs() Quantity
Returns the absolute value of this Quantity. If the value of this Quantity is not negative it is returned directly.
calcExpandedUncertainty(double k) Quantity
Returns the expanded uncertainty for coverage factor, k, in this Quantity's value as a typed Quantity object.
compareTo(dynamic q2) int
Compares this Quantity to q2 by comparing MKS values. The Quantities need not have the same dimensions.
inverse() Quantity
Determines the inverse of the quantity represented by this object, creating and returning a Quantity object (which may have different dimensions and therefore be of a different type). This object is not modified.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
outputText(StringBuffer buffer, {UncertaintyFormat uncertFormat = UncertaintyFormat.none, bool symbols = true, NumberFormat? numberFormat}) → void
Appends a String representation of this Quantity to the buffer using the preferred units and number format. If no preferred units have been specified, then MKS units are used. Uncertainty in the value of the Quantity is optionally shown as a plus/minus value in the same units.
randomSample() Quantity
Randomly generates a Quantity from this Quantity's value and uncertainty. The uncertainty is represented by a Normal (Gaussian) continuous distribution.
sqrt() Quantity
Returns a Quantity that represents the square root of this Quantity, in terms of both value and dimensions (for example, if this Quantity were an Area of 16 square meters, a Length of 4 meters will be returned).
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Support dart:convert stringify.
toString() String
Returns a String representation of this Quantity using the preferredUnits. If no preferred units have been specified, then MKS units are used.
valueInUnits(Units? units) Number
Gets the Quantity's value in the specified units. If units is null, the MKS value is returned. If not null, units must have dimensions compatible with this Quantity or a DimensionsException will be thrown.


operator *(dynamic multiplier) Quantity
Returns the product of this quantity and multiplier, which is expected to be either a Quantity, num or Number object. All other types will cause a QuantityException to be thrown.
operator +(dynamic addend) Quantity
Returns the sum of this Quantity and addend.
operator -(dynamic subtrahend) Quantity
Returns the difference of this Quantity and subtrahend or (this - q2).
operator /(dynamic divisor) Quantity
Returns the quotient of this quantity and divisor, including both value and dimensions.
operator <(Quantity other) bool
Determines whether on not this Quantity is less than a specified Quantity by comparing their MKS values. The two Quantities need not be of the same type or dimensions.
operator <=(Quantity other) bool
Determines whether on not this Quantity is less than or equal to a specified Quantity by comparing their MKS values. The two Quantities need not be of the same type or dimensions.
operator ==(Object obj) bool
Returns true if this Quantity is equal to obj. Two Quantity objects are considered equal if their MKS values and dimensions are equal. Only values and dimensions are considered; other attributes such as uncertainty and preferred units are ignored.
operator >(Quantity other) bool
Determines whether on not this Quantity is greater than a specified Quantity by comparing their MKS values. The two Quantities need not be of the same type or dimensions.
operator >=(Quantity other) bool
Determines whether on not this Quantity is greater than or equal to a specified Quantity by comparing their MKS values. The two Quantities need not be of the same type or dimensions.
operator ^(dynamic exponent) Quantity
Returns this Quantity raised to the power of exponent.
operator unary-() Quantity
The unary minus operator returns a Quantity whose value is the negative of this Quantity's value.

Static Properties

coulombsPerCubicMeter ChargeDensityUnits
The standard SI unit.


electricChargeDensityDimensions → const Dimensions
Dimensions for this type of quantity.