QRIS class

Creates an object that holds various information of a QRIS (QR Indonesian Standard) Code.

Default implementation requires a String containing a well-formatted QR text data according to ISO/IEC 18004, which is usually obtainable after scanning a physically printed QR Codes, or the one generated dynamically from certain merchant digital devices.



QRIS(String data, {bool lenient = false})
Generates a QRIS instance with parsed information, given a data String.


additionalDataField → AdditionalData?
Additional data that complements the QRIS data with more technical details.
amExMerchants List<String>
AMEX (American Express) Merchants (ID "11" and "12")
no setter
calculatedCRC int?
no setter
calculatedCRCHex String?
Recalculate CRC of this QRIS data
no setter
countryCode String?
The country code of the merchant, conforming to ISO 3166-1's Alpha 2 Code.
no setter
crc int?
The CRC Checksum of the QRIS Code contents as int.
crcHex String?
The CRC Checksum of the QRIS Code contents as Hex String
no setter
defaultDomesticMerchant Merchant?
Default Domestic Merchant, usually located at ID "26"
discoverMerchants List<String>
Discover Credit Card Merchants (ID "09" and "10")
no setter
domesticMerchants List<Merchant>
Domestic Merchants, most common QRIS Codes are used by domestic merchants (ID "26" - "45")
no setter
emvCo List<String>
no setter
emvCoMerchants List<String>
EMVCo Merchants (ID "06" - "08")
no setter
emvCoMerchants2 List<String>
EMVCo Merchants (ID "17" - "25")
no setter
entries Iterable<MapEntry<int, String>>
The map entries of this.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isCRCValid bool
Check if the CRC assigned to this QRIS is correct
no setter
isCRCValidAsync Future<bool>
CRC validation using Isolate
no setter
isDynamic bool
Check if this QRIS is a Dynamic QR Code
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether there is no key/value pair in the map.
no setterinherited
isNotEmpty bool
Whether there is at least one key/value pair in the map.
no setterinherited
isStatic bool
Check if this QRIS is a Static QR Code
no setterinherited
jcbMerchants List<String>
JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) Merchants (ID "13" and "14")
no setter
keys Iterable<int>
The keys of this.
no setterinherited
length int
The number of key/value pairs in the map.
no setterinherited
mastercardMerchants List<String>
MasterCard Merchants (ID "04" and "05)
no setter
merchantAccountDomestic Merchant?
Merchant Account Information Domestic Central Repository
merchantCategoryCode int?
Merchant Category Code (MCC in short)
no setter
merchantCity String?
City name of where the merchant is located, usually presented in UPPER-CASED String.
no setter
merchantInformationLocalized LocalizedMerchantInfo?
The additional information about the merchant, represented in a preferred language preference.
merchantName String?
Name of the merchant, usually presented in UPPER-CASED String.
no setter
merchants List<Merchant>
All available non-primitive merchants listed on this QRIS Code
no setter
originalTransactionAmount num?
The original transaction amount available within this QRIS, fetched from the raw data, if available.
payloadFormatIndicator int
The Payload Format Indicator, indicates the version of the QRIS Code.
no setter
pointOfInitiation InitiationPoint?
The Point of Initiation Method code. Indicates the origin of the QRIS Code.
no setterinherited
postalCode String?
The postal code that corresponds to merchant's location.
no setter
primitivePaymentSystemMerchants List<String>
List of merchants associated with Primitive Payment Systems such as VISA, MasterCard, Union Pay, etc.
reservedDomesticMerchants List<Merchant>
Additional Domestic Merchants information as reserve list, usually empty (ID "46" - "50")
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tipIndicator TipIndicator?
The TipIndicator of the QRIS Code.
tipValueOfFixed num?
This should be a non-null value if tipIndicator is TipIndicator.tipValueFixed
tipValueOfPercentage double?
This should be a non-null value if tipIndicator is TipIndicator.tipValuePercentage
transactionAmount num?
The transaction amount contained within this QRIS, or the one entered manually through transactionAmount's setter, if any.
getter/setter pair
transactionCurrency String?
The Transaction Currency, conforms to ISO 4217, represented as 3 digits Numeric.
no setter
unionPayMerchants List<String>
Union Pay Merchants (ID "15" and "16")
no setter
values Iterable<String>
The values of this.
no setterinherited
visaMerchants List<String>
VISA Merchants (ID "02" and "03")
no setter


addAll(Map<int, String> other) → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
addEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<int, String>> entries) → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
cast<RK, RV>() Map<RK, RV>
Provides a view of this map as having RK keys and RV instances, if necessary.
clear() → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
containsKey(Object? key) bool
Whether this map contains the given key.
containsValue(Object? value) bool
Whether this map contains the given value.
forEach(void action(int key, String value)) → void
Applies action to each key/value pair of the map.
getMerchantOnTag(int tag) Merchant?
Get specific Merchant by Tag Number (only between 26 - 50)
inferTipAmount({bool useOriginalAmount = true}) num
map<K2, V2>(MapEntry<K2, V2> transform(int key, String value)) Map<K2, V2>
Returns a new map where all entries of this map are transformed by the given convert function.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putIfAbsent(int key, String ifAbsent()) String
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
remove(Object? key) String?
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
removeWhere(bool test(int key, String value)) → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
toEncodable() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
Returns the base data
update(int key, String update(String value), {String ifAbsent()?}) String
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.
updateAll(String update(int key, String value)) → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](covariant int? key) String?
Fetch an entry by subtag Shouldn't override
operator []=(int key, String value) → void
This operation is not supported by an unmodifiable map.