QErrorCode enum

Available extensions


unknown → const QErrorCode

Unknown error

apiRateLimitExceeded → const QErrorCode

API requests rate limit exceeded

appleStoreError → const QErrorCode

Apple Store error received

backendError → const QErrorCode

There was a backend error

billingUnavailable → const QErrorCode

The Billing service is unavailable on the device

clientInvalid → const QErrorCode

Client is not allowed to issue the request, etc

cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed → const QErrorCode

The device could not connect to the network

cloudServicePermissionDenied → const QErrorCode

User is not allowed to access cloud service information

cloudServiceRevoked → const QErrorCode

User has revoked permission to use this cloud service

failedToReceiveData → const QErrorCode

Could not receive data

featureNotSupported → const QErrorCode

The requested feature is not supported

fraudPurchase → const QErrorCode

Fraud purchase was detected

incorrectRequest → const QErrorCode

Request failed

internalError → const QErrorCode

Internal backend error

invalidClientUid → const QErrorCode

Client Uid is invalid or not set

invalidCredentials → const QErrorCode

Access token is invalid or not set

invalidStoreCredentials → const QErrorCode

This account does not have access to the requested application

launchError → const QErrorCode

There was an error while launching Qonversion SDK

networkConnectionFailed → const QErrorCode

There was a network issue. Make sure that the Internet connection is available on the device

offeringsNotFound → const QErrorCode

No offerings found

paymentInvalid → const QErrorCode

Purchase identifier was invalid, etc.

paymentNotAllowed → const QErrorCode

This device is not allowed to make the payment

playStoreError → const QErrorCode

There was an issue with the Play Store service

privacyAcknowledgementRequired → const QErrorCode

User needs to acknowledge Apple's privacy policy

productAlreadyOwned → const QErrorCode

Failed to purchase since item is already owned

productNotFound → const QErrorCode

Failed to purchase since the Qonversion product was not found

productNotOwned → const QErrorCode

Failed to consume purchase since item is not owned

projectConfigError → const QErrorCode

The project is not configured or configured incorrectly in the Qonversion Dashboard

purchaseCanceled → const QErrorCode

User pressed back or canceled a dialog for purchase

purchaseInvalid → const QErrorCode

Failure of purchase

purchasePending → const QErrorCode

Purchase is pending

purchaseUnspecified → const QErrorCode

Unspecified state of the purchase

receiptValidationError → const QErrorCode

Receipt validation error

remoteConfigurationNotAvailable → const QErrorCode

Remote configuration is not available for the current user or for the provided context key

responseParsingFailed → const QErrorCode

A problem occurred while serializing or deserializing data

storeProductNotAvailable → const QErrorCode

Requested product is not available for purchase or its product id was not found

unauthorizedRequestData → const QErrorCode

App is attempting to use SKPayment's requestData property, but does not have the appropriate entitlement

unknownClientPlatform → const QErrorCode

The current platform is not supported


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<QErrorCode>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.