EntitlementInfo class
The EntitlementInfo object gives you access to all of the information about the status of a user entitlement.
- Annotations
- @freezed
- EntitlementInfo.new(String identifier, bool isActive, bool willRenew, String latestPurchaseDate, String originalPurchaseDate, String productIdentifier, bool isSandbox, {@Default(OwnershipType.unknown) @JsonKey(name: 'ownershipType', unknownEnumValue: OwnershipType.unknown) OwnershipType ownershipType, @Default(Store.unknownStore) @JsonKey(name: 'store', unknownEnumValue: Store.unknownStore) Store store, @Default(PeriodType.unknown) @JsonKey(name: 'periodType', unknownEnumValue: PeriodType.unknown) PeriodType periodType, String? expirationDate, String? unsubscribeDetectedAt, String? billingIssueDetectedAt, String? productPlanIdentifier, @Default(VerificationResult.notRequested) VerificationResult verification})
String, dynamic> json) -
- billingIssueDetectedAt → String?
The date a billing issue was detected. Can be null if there is no
billing issue or an issue has been resolved.
@note: Entitlement may still be active even if there is a billing issue.
Check the
property.no setterinherited -
→ $EntitlementInfoCopyWith<
EntitlementInfo> -
Create a copy of EntitlementInfo
with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
no setterinherited
- expirationDate → String?
The expiration date for the entitlement, can be null for lifetime access.
If the
is PeriodType.trial, this is the trial expiration date.no setterinherited - hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- identifier → String
The entitlement identifier configured in the RevenueCat dashboard
no setterinherited
- isActive → bool
True if the user has access to this entitlement
no setterinherited
- isSandbox → bool
False if this entitlement is unlocked via a production purchase
no setterinherited
- latestPurchaseDate → String
The latest purchase or renewal date for the entitlement.
no setterinherited
- originalPurchaseDate → String
The first date this entitlement was purchased
no setterinherited
- ownershipType → OwnershipType
Use this property to determine whether a purchase was made by the current
user or shared to them by a family member. This can be useful for
onboarding users who have had an entitlement shared with them, but might
not be entirely aware of the benefits they now have.
no setterinherited
- periodType → PeriodType
The last period type this entitlement was in
no setterinherited
- productIdentifier → String
The product identifier that unlocked this entitlement
no setterinherited
- productPlanIdentifier → String?
The base plan identifier that unlocked this entitlement (Google only).
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- store → Store
The store where this entitlement was unlocked from
no setterinherited
- unsubscribeDetectedAt → String?
The date an unsubscribe was detected. Can be null if it's still
subscribed or product is not a subscription.
@note: Entitlement may still be active even if user has unsubscribed.
Check the
property.no setterinherited - verification → VerificationResult
If entitlement verification was enabled, the result of that verification.
If not,
.no setterinherited - willRenew → bool
True if the underlying subscription is set to renew at the end of
the billing period (expirationDate).
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
Serializes this EntitlementInfo to a JSON map.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.