showMessage method

void showMessage(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. required Message inputMessage,
  3. Duration duration = const Duration(seconds: 5),

showMessage get a context and a message and show it. note: tow message with same key not allowed.


void showMessage(BuildContext context,
    {required Message inputMessage,
    Duration duration = const Duration(seconds: 5)}) async {
  /// if the _overlayEntry is already displayes, do nothing.
  if (_overlayEntry == null) {

  /// Prevent to show a message with same key (for similar key error issues).
  if (displayingMessages.where((m) => m.key == inputMessage.key).isNotEmpty) {

  /// Prevent to show more than [maxMessages] messages.
  if (_messages.length >= maxMessages) {
    removeMessage(_messages.firstWhere((m) => !m.pinned,
        orElse: () => _messages.first));