applyChanges method

void applyChanges(
  1. ChangeSet changeSet,
  2. bool dryRun

Unless dryRun, loads pubspec.yaml of each package in changeSet and applies the changes to its (dev)-dependencies using yaml_edit to preserve textual structure.

Outputs a summary of changes done or would have been done if not dryRun.


void applyChanges(ChangeSet changeSet, bool dryRun) {
  if (!dryRun) {
    for (final package in workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
      final changesForPackage = changeSet[package];
      if (changesForPackage == null || changesForPackage.isEmpty) {
      final yamlEditor = YamlEditor(readTextFile(package.pubspecPath));
      final deps = package.dependencies.keys;

      for (final change in changesForPackage.values) {
        final section =
            deps.contains( ? 'dependencies' : 'dev_dependencies';
          pubspecDescription(change, cache, package),
      writeTextFile(package.pubspecPath, yamlEditor.toString());
  _outputChangeSummary(changeSet, dryRun: dryRun);