createRelease function
Future<void> createRelease(
{required String username,
required String apiToken,
required String owner,
required String repository}) async {
final sgh = SimpleGitHub(
username: username,
apiToken: apiToken,
owner: owner,
repository: repository)
final pubspecPath = findPubSpec(startingDir: pwd);
if (pubspecPath == null) {
print('Unable to find pubspec.yaml, run ${DartScript.self.exeName} '
'from the main '
"package's root directory.");
final pubspec = PubSpec.loadFromPath(pubspecPath);
final version = pubspec.version.toString();
final tagName = version;
print('Creating release for $tagName');
await _createRelease(sgh: sgh, pubspec: pubspec, tagName: tagName);
await updateLatestTag(sgh: sgh, pubspec: pubspec);