select<T, R> method

R select<T, R>(
  1. R selector(
    1. T value

Watch a value of type T exposed from a provider, and mark this widget for rebuild on changes of that value.

If T is nullable and no matching providers are found, watch will return null. Otherwise if T is non-nullable, will throw ProviderNotFoundException. If T is non-nullable and the provider obtained returned null, will throw ProviderNullException.

This allows widgets to optionally depend on a provider:

  Builder(builder: (context) {
    final title =<Movie?, String>((movie) => movie?.title);

    if (title == null) Text('no Movie found');
    return Text(title);

select must be used only inside the build method of a widget. It will not work inside other life-cycles, including State.didChangeDependencies.

By using select, instead of watching the entire object, the listener will rebuild only if the value returned by selector changes.

When a provider emits an update, it will call synchronously all selector.

Then, if they return a value different from the previously returned value, the dependent will be marked as needing to rebuild.

For example, consider the following object:

class Person with ChangeNotifier {
  String name;
  int age;

  // Add some logic that may update `name` and `age`

Then a widget may want to listen to a person's name without listening to its age.

This cannot be done using Instead, we can use select, by writing the following:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final name = p) =>;

  return Text(name);

It is fine to call select multiple times.


R select<T, R>(R Function(T value) selector) {
  assert(widget is! SliverWithKeepAliveWidget, '''
  Tried to use inside a SliverList/SliderGridView.

  This is likely a mistake, as instead of rebuilding only the item that cares
  about the selected value, this would rebuild the entire list/grid.

  To fix, add a `Builder` or extract the content of `itemBuilder` in a separate widget:

    itemBuilder: (context, index) {
      return Builder(builder: (context) {
        final todo = list) => list[index]);
        return Text(;
  assert(widget is LayoutBuilder || debugDoingBuild, '''
Tried to use `` outside of the `build` method of a widget.

Any usage other than inside the `build` method of a widget are not supported.

  final inheritedElement = Provider._inheritedElementOf<T>(this);
  try {
    final value = inheritedElement?.value;
    if (value is! T) {
      throw ProviderNullException(T, widget.runtimeType);

    assert(() {
      _debugIsSelecting = true;
      return true;
    final selected = selector(value);

    if (inheritedElement != null) {
        aspect: (T? newValue) {
          if (newValue is! T) {
            throw ProviderNullException(T, widget.runtimeType);

          return !const DeepCollectionEquality()
              .equals(selector(newValue), selected);
    } else {
      // tell Flutter to rebuild the widget when relocated using GlobalKey
      // if no provider were found before.
    return selected;
  } finally {
    assert(() {
      _debugIsSelecting = false;
      return true;