Summary class

Similar to a Histogram, a Summary samples observations (usually things like request durations and response sizes). While it also provides a total count of observations and a sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window.



Summary({required String name, required String help, List<String> labelNames = const [], List<Quantile> quantiles = const [], Duration maxAge = const Duration(minutes: 10), int ageBuckets = 5, Collect<Summary>? collectCallback})
Construct a new Summary with a name, help text, optional labelNames, optional quantiles, optional maxAge and optional ageBuckets. If labelNames are provided, use labels(...) to assign label values. If no quantiles are provided the summary only has a count and sum. If not provided, maxAge defaults to 10 minutes and ageBuckets to 5. The optional collectCallback is called at the beginning of collect and allows to update the value of the summary before collecting it.


ageBuckets int
Set the number of buckets used to implement the sliding time window. If your time window is 10 minutes, and you have ageBuckets=5, buckets will be switched every 2 minutes. The value is a trade-off between resources (memory and cpu for maintaining the bucket) and how smooth the time window is moved.
collectCallback Collect<Summary>?
Optional callback called in collect before samples are collected.
count double
Access the count of elements in a summary without labels.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
help String
The help text of the metric.
labelNames List<String>
The unmodifiable list of labelNames assigned to this metric.
maxAge Duration
Set the duration of the time window is, i.e. how long observations are kept before they are discarded.
name String
The name of the metric.
quantiles List<Quantile>
Quantiles to observe by the summary.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sum double
Access the total sum of the elements in a summary without labels.
no setter
values Map
Access the value of each quantile of a summary without labels.
no setter


clear() → void
Remove all Child metrics.
collect() Future<Iterable<MetricFamilySamples>>
collect all metrics and samples that are part of this Collector.
collectNames() Iterable<String>
Collect all metric names, including child metrics.
labels(List<String> labelValues) SummaryChild
Create a Child metric and assign the labelValues. The size of the labelValues has to match the labelNames of the metric.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
observe(double v) → void
Observe a new value v and store it in the summary without labels.
observeDuration<T>(Future<T> f) Future<T>
Observe the duration of the Future f and store it in the summary without labels.
observeDurationSync<T>(T callback()) → T
Observe the duration of callback and store it in the summary without labels.
register([CollectorRegistry? registry]) → void
Register the Collector at a registry. If no registry is provided, the CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry is used.
remove(List<String> labelValues) → void
Remove a Child metric based on it's label values.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


quantileLabel → const String